What He Thinks About You (Night)

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What do you think of (Y/N)? Do you think she's pretty? Do you like her?


(Y/N)'s amazing! She cooks the most amazing meals and even let's me add sardines to my half. She's always so giving and she always puts others above herself. She couldn't be more perfect if she tried.

Do I think she's pretty!? W-well, I mean, yeah. She's absolutely stunning. I want to tell her that too but every time I try, I get way too embarrassed.

Huh!? Do I like (Y/N)!? Who came up with these questions? I'd like to have a word with them about respecting people's privacy.


(Y/N)? What about her? She's fine, I guess but she's always smilin' and takin' care of others' needs before her own. She needs to put herself first sometimes too. But it's not like I'm worried about her or anythin', 'kay?

Well, she's nothin' compared to my beauty but she does have some things goin' for her. Her eyes, for example, are pretty stunning. Her smile, too, knows how to warm up your heart. Plus she has these beautiful locks and her—

Like (Y/N)? What's it matter to you whether I like her or not? And just because I do, don't go thinkin' I've gone soft. She's just.... special.


Oh, (Y/N)'s just the sweetest! She's patient with me even when I stutter around her and her smile is so gentle that it makes me feel at ease. She's strong too so I don't ever have to worry about her getting in trouble. She's just that amazing!

P-p-pretty? Well, of course, I think she's pretty. She's beautiful inside and out. Her looks are one thing but it's her kind heart that really shines through.

Like her!?! Oh dear, is it that obvious?


(Y/N) is a kind girl, always has been. Even when we were little she was always looking out for me. I'm glad we stayed friends throughout our years. I couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

She has grown into a beautiful young woman, but I still remember her chubby little face from when we were little. Even back then she was pretty cute.

Like her? She's my best friend, of course I like her! ...Oh. You meant the other kind of like? Yeah, I mean, over the years my feelings for her have grown into something more but I don't want to ruin our friendship.


Professor (Y/N) is certainly something. She's been all over the world so she has a very open mind about lots of issues and can offer all sorts of interesting perspectives. She enjoys reading as much as I do and sometimes we'll end up talking for hours about our favorite stories.

My doll is breathtakingly beautiful. Sometimes I have to pinch myself just to make sure I didn't dream her up. But my favorite thing is the way her eyes sparkle when she talks about something she's interested in. I could listen to her talk forever.

Of course I like her. I thought I was making it rather obvious but clearly she hasn't gotten the hint yet. Oh well. Guess that means I'll have to be more direct with her.

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