carlie's father.

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"Your mom isn't usually this late to pick you up, Carlie." Monica narrowed her eyes while gazing over the school's side parking lot on more time. This is the first time she's had to wait by a student's side this school year, and Carlie was the last one she expected to be the last one on pick--up.

Carlie's mother participated a lot in school activities in the last two months and seemed to always be on top of everything. Monica guessed today was an exception.

Carlie stopped twiddling her thumbs and looked up to her teacher who was kneeling down to her height.

"My daddy's picking me up now," She informed.

Monica widened her eyes in surprise. She had only been teaching Carlie for two months but for those two months her mother had been very present in her school life. Monica herself had never met Carlie's father. She didn't know what he looked like, what he did for a living, or his name even. All Monica knew as a teacher was that his surname was Wang since Carlie had two last names, Butera--Wang.

"Your dad--?" Before Monica could question the four-year-old any further, the child was hopping up and down while calling out for the previously mentioned parent.

Monica followed Carlie's gaze and audibly gulped. She placed her hand on the brick wall beside her for support. The raven stood and dusted off her pencil skirt. So, that was Carlie's father, Monica thought to herself.

It wasn't that shocking really, the little girl was pretty, her Mother was beautiful, and no wonder her Father looks like he stepped out of a fashion magazine. Even beyond his tracksuit, Monica could tell he was built. His face shape told all, which looked as if it belonged in a museum somewhere. How do others even find people like this?

Jackson, with his signature smile, picked up his daughter and started asking her about her day immediately. His voice was even perfection, Monica gushed. The reality of her staring at his man she didn't even know hit her like a truck. Monica ripped her eyes away from his jawline and looked around awkwardly waiting for his introduction.

After Jackson was satisfied with how his child's day had went he looked past her to see a woman. With his free right hand he jutted it out for a handshake. Monica smiled and shook it. "You must be Carlie's father."


Monica internally cringed at herself but kept up her friendly smile. "Uh- yea, my name's Jackson. I'm going to be picking up Carlie from now on. Are you her teacher?"

Monica nodded but before she could introduce herself, Carlie interjected. "This is Miss Drew, Daddy. She's so nice" Monica giggled, flustered with the sudden introduction from her student.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Miss Drew. Sorry that I was late by the way, I live like thirty minutes away from here"

"No, no. It's all good." Monica reassured, beginning to push open the door that led back into her classroom. "Thank you for waiting with her. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess." Jackson gnawed on his bottom lip.

"It was no problem and yes, I'll see tomorrow, Mister Wang" Monica diverted her attention to the child on his hip. "And i'll see you tomorrow, Carlie" she waved and eventually went inside her door. Jackson and Carlie shared a look before they ventured to his car.


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