actually a story

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In this they are human :3

No ones p.o.v

Freddy was sitting on stage after a long performance,he fixes up his bowtie and just then Bonnie walks over to him "Hi Fred!" He greets him "oh hey Bon" Freddy replies still tired after the show "you did great" Bonnie says with a smile "thanks, you did well to" Freddy replies "I heard Chica made some extra pizza, wanna go get some?" Bonnie askes "sure" Freddy replies they walk to kitchen were Chica is cooking "hey guys!" She greets them "hello Chica" Freddy smiles and waves "your just in time for hawaiian pizza!" She smiles and Freddy and Bonnie's face turn into disgust as they slowly back away crying on the inside Chica giggles "I'm just messing with you! It's pepperoni" They share a laugh and eat the pizza and Bonnie gets a smile of pizza sauce on his cheek and Freddy smiles and wipes it off Bonnie blushes in embarrassment Chica smiles and walks out of the room "I'll leave y'all be( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Bonnie looks away still embarrassed Freddy gently grabs him by the chin and goes in for the kiss Bonnie blushes he had crush on him for a long time now as the bunny's lips met the bears his their love had fully blossomed Freddy pulls away "so is it officiall?" The bear smirked "if you want it to be" Bonnie replied pulling him into a kiss once again

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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