Chapter 6: Confusion

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As soon as the twins left the Room of Requirement, they ran to find Katie, and to tell her to rally up all the gryffindors that we're there the night of the plan hatching. Luckily, a majority of those Gryffindors that we're there that night were in the common room that night were in the room when Katie, Fred and George came running in. Katie was screaming "THE BIRD HAS THE WORM! I REPEAT, THE BIRD HAS THE WORM!!" Everyone immediately crowded in the common room, silent as anything.

As soon as everyone got there, which wasnt very long, Harry asked "So boys? What did you find out?"

"Well-" Fred started

"Malfoy asked Hermione out in the library about a month ago-" George told the group.

"And she said yes-"

"And they both went to this place called the room of requirement, which is on this floor-"

"And it takes the shape of anything that the seeker needs!"

"Back on topic," George continued.

"Malfoy met Granger at the entrance-"

"And they went inside and there was a big ballroom-"

"And they danced to a bunch of records all night-"

"They did that every week, until-"

"You two," Fred pointed at Harry and Ron "Almost caught her when you chased her-"

Ron piped up "I didn't know that was her, she ran by so quickly..."

George continued. "Anyway, she had a little cry, Malfoy tried to comfort her, until she said that she wanted to go public with their relationship."

"Malfoy didn't like that,  so they got into a little spat,"

"Hermione dumped him because he was being a selfish twat, ran out crying, and couldn't think of anything but Draco,"

"Which is why she's failing, and not passing in homework, and all that marvelous stuff."

"Got it?" Both twins said in unison.

"DRACO THAT LITTLE SHIT!" harry and Ron shouted together, and made their way towards the entrance, but the twins held them back. "Look boys, Hermione didn't want you guys to know because you guys would do exactly this! Just leave her be, she can sort this out on her own." Harry and Ron backed off, still angry, but promising to leave Draco alone.  "So, what now, Katie? We know the reason for Hermione's being a bit off, but how to we get her back?" Everybody went to look a Katie. She was thinking. She didn't think they would get this far. "Okay, so here's what we do..."

 "Hermione!! Hermione!! OI GRANGER!" Fred yelled as she walked to the great hall for lunch. She turned around and her heart almost skipped a beat. Hermione, what are you thinking? You can't let your heart run away from you again! "Yes, Fred, how may I be of assistance?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He had no idea if this would work or not. "Um, McGonagall gave me about a truckload of Transfiguation homework, and said if i don't pass it in, I get an F for the rest of term. My mother, being her, as you know, would flip out, and I have no idea what to do, so do you think you could help me? It would be a big help."

6th year Tansfiguration. Some of the most difficult stuff there was. But it also meant that she could possibly learn how to do it now, so she could ace her N.E.W.T. exam. "Umm, i-I... I'd love too. Meet me in the Library at three thirty?"

"Okay, Granger. It's a date." he winked." See you then."

"So, what would you do if you wanted to change a pig into a piece of bacon WITHOUT cooking it?" Hermione had been in the library now for an hour, and Fred still didn't get it. "Umm," he began "I would.... get Mum to cook it!!" he said with a cheeky grin. "ugh! No fred, you would say this!" She pointed to his textbook, to the spell that would help him achieve that. "Look, I'm sorry, but I have my own homework to worry about. See you later, Fred."  As she grabbed her bag and started to walk away, Fred grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "Wait Hermione, if I promise to work on this tonight, can I help you with your homework? it's a breeze for me, since I'm two years ahead of you."

 Hermione blushed. No one was this nice to her, not even Draco. "Alright then." She pulled out her books, her quill, and her notes, and Fred helped her until they had to go to the Great Hall for supper. They sat together, and ate, and joked, and afterwords, they walked up the stairs,but before they made it to the common room, Fred pulled her aside. 

"I want you to know, I had a truly magical time with you today. I'm starting to understand that transfiguration now, along with Chemistry." Hermione was confused. "But, we don't do chemistry- ohhhhhhhh!!!!" She giggled and blushed. " I had a good time with you today as well. We should do it again sometime." There was a awkward silence. The Fred went right out and kissed her. hermione was in utter shock, but then she slowly melted into the kiss.

As they walked back to the common room, hand in hand, little did they know that Draco had seen the whole thing. He still cared for her, but to see that she had moved on absolutly killed him. He had hoped that she would realize what a mistake she made, and he would take him back But apperantly, it wasn't going to work like that. "Well, Hermione, two can play at that game." Draco said to himself as he watched her and fred walk back towards the common room, then he turned on his heel, and made his way to the slytherin common room.

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