Being a Witch With a Mental Illness

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  Hi. I have a mental illness, it is kinda significant. It is called DID or multiple personality disorder.
   This disorder can make it very hard to follow simple magick rules. We do make it work since a 'personality' of mine is also a witch though slightly different in what she practices. I like magick in general while Sabrina, the alter of mine likes a certain type of magick.
  Doing anything with DID can be difficult, but you just have to make it work. I am an eclectic witch and Sabrina is a Draconic Witch.

 I am an eclectic witch and Sabrina is a Draconic Witch

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This is Sabrina. I have 7 other alters in my system which adds to 8 with me. Any other questions you have about this, or me and my alters just pm me, or comment.

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