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(A/n) - I'm just gonna say that on the way to the gym you introduced yourselves to eachother cuz I'm too lazy to actually type that up.


[2nd person]

Takahashi led you towards the gym where you and Hinata both dragged Kageyama to the doors. She opened the entrance so that you could pull Kageyama in easier, at least she was useful for something.

Once you had all arrived dropped his part of the boy, leaving you to accidentally drop him as well due to the loss of support. Revealing the Karasuno boys volleyball team practicing their serves.
He shouted "KAGEYAMA DEAD!" which surprised not only you, but most of the team and made a boy with a shaved head make a serve that hit the floor before it went over the net.

Being the type of person you were, you had to mention it, "If you are supposed to be practicing your serves then you should probably watch the ball rather than your surroundings" making Takahashi give you a light slap on your arm for being rude.

You rolled your eyes playfully at her before literally rolling Kageyama in front of the rest of the team, his face starting to get red marks on it from making contact with the floor for so long.

"Woah!"shouted a short boy, perhaps even smaller than Hinata, "Two babes!"

"I don't think that's what we really need to worry about right now" said a grey haired boy, he kind of looked, angelic? in a way.

"I'm not sure what happened to your setter but here he is, I guess..." you said, eyeing the said boy suspiciously.

"He just blanked out," Takahashi said, putting a finger on her chin as if she was a detective "Maybe he's ill?" she concluded, causing you to look at her with a disgusted scowl, "Hey! I said maybe!"

You sweat dropped and looked at Kageyama again, before the angelic looking boy and maybe a third-year? wearing the number 1 on his volleyball shirt walked up to him.
"Well he's still breathing, so that's a good sign," stated the number 1 tee'd male, after checking his pulse on his wrist.

"Thanks for bringing him to us!" the grey haired boy spoke, bowing, making the emerald eyed girl beside you to go into slight panic.

"How'd he do it this time?" said a tall blond questioned with his hands on his hips "Honestly we ought to put a leash on him so that he can't do anything stupid"

"Ask Hinata, I am no part of this situation, he's your problem now" you looked over at Hinata, sending a thumbs up with a deadpan face before starting to make your way out of the gym.

"Hey wait!" yelled Hinata, despite being only a few metres away, you raised your eyebrow as he continued, "Can you watch us practice? We are friends now right? Takahashi can watch too!" he finished, glancing at said girl to see her nodding enthusiastically.

"Well, I can't say it's really up to me, number 1 is your captain right?" you replied, looking at the boy for his answer.

He put his hands on his hips before looking down and shaking his head slightly, "First years man..." he sighed "Well, since you helped bring our setter back to us, I can't really say no can I?"


(A/n) - Haha i'm done now i literally have nothing to say here so yeah bye i love anyone who is reading this

Edited ✔︎

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These Idiots... | Haikyuu!! Various x Fem! Reader | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now