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Today was the day that KJ was suppose to be coming home from the hospital, my mom and Auntie have been cooking up his favorite food since early this morning and I sat on the couch watching the two of them frantically try to get everything together for him.

"Is it wrong I don't want him to come back?" I asked looking down at King who was curled up on my lap, "I mean it's been quiet, the house isn't a mess and I don't have to say, 'excuse me' just to get past in the hall way." King began wagging his tail as he noticed my attention was now on him. "You're right... I mean I should be happy but things just are weird." As I continued with my one way conversation with my dog, the front door swung open allowing KJ and dad to come strolling in

"The King is back!" KJ shouted as he was greeted by hugs and kisses from the family.

"I got something I need you to handle." Dad dropped the bag that was hanging off his shoulder, I assumed belonged to KJ.

I never took my attention off of the ball of fur in my lap, I knew dad wasn't talking to me until he pooped himself down beside me.

"I have about 300 or 320 school buses in the car, you think you can unload them for me?"

"Hey... pops, I got that for you." KJ interjected, his face seemed to gleam with excitement to get back to his old routine

"Ahh, my babygirl got this... she took a regular 1.050 load and made that shit 1,500." The look on my dad's face as he looked at me showed he was proud. He was proud his babygirl could turn a larger profit than his son.

It wasn't hard to sell and it wasn't hard to get the sellers to sell more and at a faster rate. Yellow Xanax bars also known on the street as school buses usually sell for $2.50 and most people bought in quantity about 10 or 20 per person. My dad also sold the regular white Xanny bars that only went for $2. All I did was raise the School buses to $3.50, because they're the stronger of the two and made the white Xanny bars $2.50.

My brother was scared to make changes because of my dad. I definitely wasn't, what was the worst he was going to do to his princess ?

KJ's face turns up in anger, he looks as if he wants to protest but he doesn't. He allows mom to drag him in to the kitchen to show him everything they have cooked for him.

"Now... I don't want you selling them, give them to Cortes, Dash or Esdras anyone else..." He places the keys to his car on my lap and places a kiss on my forehead "my little princess is growing up."

I smiled at him as he stood up and made his way in to the kitchen, he was loosening his grip around me a bit but still didn't like the idea of me having to talk and sell to the hood. He didn't know that was pretty much a big part of the money increase. Instead of walking up to KJ's car and seeing his mean face along with his friends... now you walk up and see my beautiful ass and maybe Brianna stuffing her face with food.

The pleasant change in scenery increased income like I stated before men love flexing in front of a girl. That they have a lot of money, cars or their dick game is top tier and if I have to exploit that to get a couple extra Benjamin's... I think I owe it to my fellow women.

I know it also may seem like I'm forgetting the whole reason I even started dabbling in the family business but Sean is still on my objective list. The streets are loyal and it takes awhile to break that loyalty down. I always thought it was impossible to break it, I mean that's what I was taught but everyone has their price.

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