86- A Broken Promise

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CHRISTMAS Day at the burrow was unlike any other Christmas Liana had experienced before. The day dawned bright and cold and the snow from the previous few days had yet to cease, sprinkles of snowflakes still dusting the outside scenery.

Liana had barely sat up in bed, running a hand through her rather ruffled curls and reaching for her usual morning cigarette, when Hermione had come leaping onto her mattress in excitement, a wide beam across her face.

"Merry Christmas Liana! Everyone's already downstairs for breakfast, although you better hurry before Ron finishes all the bacon," she chuckled as she ripped the curtains of Ginny's room back to allow the watery sunlight to flood in.

Liana groaned under her breath and blinked a few times in the bright before fumbling for a jumper to pull on over her silky nightdress, following Hermione's retreating footsteps out and down the rickety stairs into the kitchen where it was filled with festive merriment to say the least.

The twins had not shied away from the decorations this year and as Liana strolled through the door she found Fred draping a large garland of tinsel around her body as if she were a walking Christmas tree.

"Oh Fred dear lay off the poor girl she still looks half asleep. Come on Liana, porridge? Toast?" offered Mrs Weasley and Liana nodded eagerly to all of the above.

"Don't forget presents!" Came a voice from behind her and Liana beamed as she turned to see Grey standing in the corner with the twins.

"Grey!" Liana exclaimed eagerly and pulled the awkward Hufflepuff boy into a warm embrace. Grey had been staying with the twins ever since Christina's death, something that brought an odd comfort to Liana knowing her brother had his friends looking out for him.

"Remus and Tonks should be popping in for a while as well," Mrs Weasley smiled as she thrust a slightly crumpled wrapped package towards Liana from across the table, a small blush on her round cheeks.

"It's not much dear, just a little gift because well- you know-" Mrs Weasley blustered but Liana knew exactly what she was trying to say.

Because Liana had no one else. Liana pulled back the wrapping paper gently and grinned as she same the familiar warm woollen Weasley jumper inside, a pretty midnight blue colour with a large L across the front. Beneath that was tucked a small parcel of mince pies.

Liana stood from her chair and leant over to give Mrs Wealsey the warmest and most grateful hug she could muster. The kindness the Weasley family had shown Grey and Liana was beyond appreciated.

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