Chapter 1

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My love oh I beseech thee
Throw thy cloak aside to feed me
Crimson rivers from your veins
Crimson rivers feel no pain
Your long red hair ensnares me
Your warm red blood it calls me
My red right hand shall take thee home

I reluctantly turned off my alarm clock. After I got out of bed, I opened my closet. I picked out a pair of black combat boots, a white blouse and black corset, and a short layered black and white skirt. I went to my bathroom to take a shower. When I left the bathroom, I was fully dressed and my hair was in a partial updo. Part of my hair was in a ponytail at the back of my head.

I put my makeup on. My makeup was a smoky eye, light mascara and blush, and dark red lipstick. I put my books into my bag. It was a black messenger bag with pins depicting my favorite anime and shows.

I went downstairs and saw my father cooking. He was making chocolate pancakes. I grabbed a plate and put syrup on the pancakes. As I was eating breakfast, I was checking my schedule. After lunch was an hour of club activities, then my job at Emperial Palace, a Chinese restaurant that I'm a server/waitress. Then I go home at seven. Then I would do my homework until 9:30. At 10:00 I'll go to bed.

After I ate, I waved goodbye to my dad and ran to my bike. I biked to my school, College Francoise Dupont. I ran into my class and took my seat next to my friend, Marina. We sat a few seats behind two other friends, Marinette and Alya, and one seat behind two more friends, Adrien and Nino. I ship Adrien with Marinette and Nino with Alya.

After a few hours of class, an akumatized victim attacks, saying something about Chloe. When isn't Chloe the center of all the attacks? I know there are some, but that girl is the cause of most of the attacks. Everyone but Adrien, Marinette, and I left in one direction.

When I found a hiding spot, I said, "Stormy, full moon!" My kwami, Stormy, was sucked into my moon necklace, turning it whole. My transformation began. My hair turned silvery grey. A grey tail and grey wolf ears popped out. A grey trench coat shirt, a long grey steampunk skirt, and grey Victorian boots formed. And last but not least, topaz lensed silver goggles, with a black strap, popped up on my head. Once I'm done transforming, I ran to help Ladybug and Chat Noir. I ran across the street to the fight. Chat Noir sees me first. "What took so long, Wolfy?" He asked, somewhat flirtatiously. I leaned into his ear and told him that I would tell him later.  We helped Ladybug defeat the akuma.

My moon was almost new so I quickly told Chat Noir to come see me later. I ran back to school and ate lunch. I then went to my club, the free arts club, where I met up with Marinette, Alya, and other artists from class.

After club ended early, I met up with Chat Noir. I leaned into his ear and said, "I know who you and Ladybug are. I won't tell you who Ladybug is or who I am. At least not without a good reason. Besides, Adrien, what fun would be in that?" I leaned back. Besides I ship you and Ladybug. Got to go. My real self has to go to work. Bye." I ran from him, making it to my work on time.

After work, I went home. Once I reached my street, I see flashing lights. I dropped my bike and ran the rest of the way. I went up to the closest officer and asked him about what happened. He told me that my house was broken into and my father was shot. My hand moved to my mouth and I collapsed to the ground. The police officer helped me up and, in my dazed state, led me to the ambulance. I rode in it to the hospital, next to my father's unconscious form. Once at the hospital, my father was rushed into the OR. My senses came back as I was in the waiting room.

I called Marinette and told her what happened. A few minutes later, my friends come rushing into the room and swarm around me.

"What happened, girl?" Alya asked. I told them what had happened. "That's all I know. Now I'm worried about my father." Everyone hugged me. "Guys, I'm beginning to feel squashed."

Everyone let go and apologized. Marina sat next to me and rubbed my back. Adrien sat on my other side and I leaned on him. Marinette sat on the other side of Adrien. Nino and Alya sat across from us, in chairs they pulled up. They stayed with me until a doctor came up and asked for me. I stood up and walked up to him. He told me the bad news.

Once again I collapsed to the ground. I started to cry. My friends came to me and comforted me. After a while, I calmed down and entered a dazed state. I didn't hear the doctor's question, but my friends answered for me. They asked a similar question as the doctor and I pointed at Marinette. She helped me up and led outside. There, we met up with her parents.

After we got to my house, Marinette helped me pack my stuff and what I can carry in a big suitcase, I brought with me. Once we got to Marinette's house, she helped me settle in, in the guest bedroom. Her parents offered to let me stay there until I'm ready to live on my own or until family claims me. I thanked them for the offer.

*Time Skip*

A week has passed since my father died. School went easy on me. Chloe was... well Chloe. Sabrina was following Chloe's lead. My other classmates, even my friends, showed kindness. The teachers didn't give me homework.

Today is the day of the funeral. I got dressed in a Lolita black dress, black tights and black boots. At the funeral, my friends and almost the whole class was there. They were there to support me. Once the funeral was finished, we all went to the mayor's hotel. He showed some kindness, even Chloe did, just to save face. The mourning party was somber. At some point, a lawyer came up to me as I was talking to Marinette and her parents.

"Miss Aislinn Vandom, I come bearing some good news." The lawyer said. Both of Marinette's parents stood in front of me. "Why now. We are in the middle of a sad time. Go away and come back later." Marinette's mother stated. I asked the lawyer to do as she says and he leaves. The Dupain-Chengs hugged me. I thanked them, grateful for what they did.

*Time Skip*

The day after the funeral, the lawyer came back and visited the bakery. I was helping out because my job at the restaurant let me take time off to mourn and I wanted to repay Marinette and her family for their kindness.

The Dupain-Chengs and I received the lawyer in the living room. "I came to tell you that starting soon, you will be living with your mother and sister in Heatherfield, Mass. The mayor knows about this and has offered to pay for transportation and movers." I accepted on the condition that I am allowed to say goodbye to my friends.

At Master Fu's place, I told him that I had to leave Paris to go live with my mother and sister. I started to give back Stormy when Master Fu told me that I may need Stormy in the future. He told me that I may want to tell Ladybug and Chat Noir who I am and say goodbye. I transformed into Lykiaos and Master Fu called them.

In minutes, they came in. "I know who both of you are. Chat Noir, I know I said that I won't reveal my identity without a good reason, but when I reveal who I am, it'll make sense." I said. "Stormy, new moon." I de-transformed. Chat Noir and Ladybug gasped. "Aislinn, you've been Lykiaos?" Ladybug asked.

"Yes, I've been Lykiaos. It was wonderful to meet you both. I had a great time thwarting Hawkmoth with you both. Chat Noir, can I speak to you alone please." I said calmly. Ladybug left.

"Adrien, I'm sorry to say, but I have to leave. I'm going to live with my mother and sister. I will miss you. I already consider you as a brother and really great friend." I said.

"I get the reason why you have to leave, but please don't forget us." Adrien/Chat Noir said sadly, hugging me. He grabbed my phone and took a picture of Stormy, him, and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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