i. Mia Goes "First"

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one mia goes "first"

       MIA BLACK, IN ALL OF HER SUNNY yet gloomy life, has never been this pissed off. And that's not to say Mia never gets annoyed — she does, truly. But, she's never been this level of angry; so angry her blood's boiling underneath her skin, her entire body practically radiating red-hot heat, so angry that her mother's hand-me-down ability — the correlation between her magic and her emotions — has caused all of the lights in the room to cut short, all burnt at the fuse. The smell of smoke, from the candles that were blown out, lingers in the air and Mia turns to her dad, and says, "We're staying in this shithole, all summer?"

       Number twelve, Grimmauld Place, was apparently a grand home, once upon a time. But, then, this was before; the eldest son was disowned, and then, for no fault of his own sent to Azkaban; the second son became a Death Eater, and right after his last year of Hogwarts, disappeared off of the face of the earth; and, finally, the parents, two old cows, croaked. Now, the only inhabitant is a house-elf called Kreacher — or, at least, he had been the only inhabitant of this stuffy pile of rubbish, until Mia got to leave school a month early (her best friend died, she isn't going to Charms!) and she was told by her mum that they couldn't stay at home during the summer.

       "But why?" she had asked her mum, also called Emilia.

       And her mum — her mum's Emilia and she's Mia, like she tells everyone that meets the two of them — had put her hands on Mia's shoulders, squeezing her lightly. "It's too dangerous to stay at home," she tells her. Her mum had then paused, because there is something she should've brought up, and was mostly likely thinking it, because Mia was standing there, thinking it too.

       The deal with Emilia Black, nee Salvatore, and the Death Eaters.

       Mia's great-grandfather, a dick called Rupert (no nice person is called Rupert, Mia thinks) had been a loyal companion to another evil guy called Grindelwald. And then, Mia's great-uncle (her mum's guardian) befriended another evil guy called Tom Riddle whilst at school. Long story short, her great-uncle promised her mum would join the Death Eaters, but since her mum isn't, you know, evil, her mum said no. Then her great-uncle died. But that's beside the point.

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