Chapter Thirty Two ~

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I stared at the chair across the table from me, empty and deserted. A plate of cold dinner sat untouched before me, a knife left in the middle of cut-through tender meat. I felt too sick to eat. I pushed away from the table and grabbed the plate before walking through the quiet halls. My bare feet made soft noises against the polished floor as I walked through an area that was mainly occupied by gardeners when the castle was filled with life. I unlocked the door leading to the garden and pushed it open, grunting from its weight. When the evening air collided into me, I breathed it in like it was my last breath. I stepped out of the warm castle and my feet were met with the cool stone walkway that ran through the middle of the garden. There were only a few plants still thriving, the rest were wilted and brown. I looked around before heading over to a couple of bowls that were placed at the back of the garden. "I was told there was a little kitty out here," I murmured. "I never bothered seeing if that messenger was lying, but I'm sure he didn't."

As if on cue, a fluffy, gray-haired cat walked out from the shadows of the setting sun. It meowed a greeting before sitting near the two bowls Seokjin had set out for him. I noticed one was halfway filled with water, the other empty except for a few crumbs. I bent down and placed my plate on the ground in front of the pet. "It's a wonder how you got in here," I said, watching it stand and observe my dinner. "Don't worry. I won't throw you out, either."

When the cat started eating from the plate, I turned and left, walking back into the castle and locking the door behind me. I made my way out of the kitchen but stopped. I turned around and went back to the garden door. I unlocked it yet again and forced it open, not all the way, but just enough for a cat to squeeze through. "I think it's supposed to rain tonight, so if you don't have a home, you can come in. I'll leave the door open for you."

I heard a soft meow and I grinned a little. "You're welcome," I answered, before turning and leaving.


I picked up my cards and sighed. I had been playing solitaire for the past hour in an effort to keep myself busy. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost midnight. I rubbed my eyes of sleep. I wasn't tired. I wouldn't be tired. I would sleep when the sun rose again. I divided the pile in half and went to shuffle the cards once more in preparation for another game, but an odd noise distracted me. I looked at the door to the study that was slightly ajar. I had left it like that when I had come in earlier. "Kitty?" I called out. Maybe the cat had seen the open door and wandered in.

I stood quietly, the chair scooting back against the hardwood floor. I tip-toed over to the door and peeked out. The hall was empty, the only movement coming from a spider weaving a web that stretched from a light to the wall. I stepped into the hall and walked to the garden area once more. I peered inside the room and saw that the door had been opened wider than I left it. I felt my stomach churn. It was probably just the wind that came in with the storm. I went over to shut the door but looked at the ground before I did so. When I did, I felt my stomach jump into my throat. Wet boot-prints were on the floor and they headed to the hallway I had come from. I was paranoid.

"Get it together, Eve," I murmured, shaking my head as if I was shaking the worries off me. When I opened my eyes once more, my eyes locked onto to tiny footprints this time, ones that were shaped into little paws. I sighed and shoved the door shut before I heard a distinct meow behind me. I turned to see the gray cat from earlier, watching me from the hall. I grinned. "Hey, kitty."

I walked over to it and bent down. "Do mind staying here? I... I don't like being alone. Maybe you can ease my fears, yes?"

The cat looked at me before scampering off down the hall. I sighed and stood. I noticed my shadow displayed on the ground. I knew it belonged to me from the way the hair was all to one side of the figure, just like my braid was. I didn't know who the other shadow beside mine belonged to, though.

I then realized that the cat hadn't been looking at me, but rather the owner of that strange shadow. The shadow that grabbed mine and swiftly stole it away, leaving only a gray cat as a witness.


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