chapter 19

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"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality." - Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House

It has been quite a while so here is a brief recap for those who need their memories refreshed. 

(RECAP: Vivian found out the truth {her and Ethan's child would be a royal - a wolf which has the birthright to rule over all wolves and would be a threat to the current rule of Lycans + Lycans are after Vivian as they don't want her to mate and procreate} and she is hiding in a house Josh built for his mate. In the last chapter, Vivian has decided to run away for some time to the humans' territory whereas Ethan was on a lookout to find his mate. The chapter ended when he finally found her and they made eye contact.) 



I had absolutely no idea what to do or what to think. A part of me believed that he would fail at locating me, or he would give up after a while but to no avail. Fear engulfed my conscience, knocking all other thoughts aside. I felt my blood humming, the rejection from my part made the pull towards him weak, but it was, nonetheless, present - especially because it was coming from his side. A slight urge beckoning me towards him. He was here

Fear consumed every inch of my body. I could taste the saliva thickening in my throat and the beads of sweat trickling down my brow. There was no chance in hell that I could let him come near me, in fear of knowing that he would permanently make me his by putting his mark on me.  

His wolf has definitely become restless and certainly won't wait for either my wolf or my consent. Nobody wants to accept the loss of a mate, especially an Alpha who needs their mate to reach their full potential to make them reach the pinnacle of power and strength. Without a Luna, others would soon start to doubt the Alpha's capabilities of living up to the reputation of a leader and protector, rendering him weak and making him prone to more attacks. 

My only choice would be to hurry and run away if I did not wish to be marked by him. Would he hurt me? I wasn't sure, but I couldn't rule out the possibility. I knew it was best to run fast for the safety of the hills but instead I remained where I was. 

My eyes flickered toward his wolf's unnerving, grey eyes which were challenging me to a staredown; assessing every slight movement I made, waiting for me to make a pivotal move. His angry and desperate low growls surrounded the entire premises, inching toward eruption. I needed to come up with a plan but those intense eyes, god those eyes, wouldn't let me decipher one coherent thought. 

A little part of me wanted to run towards him. My legs twitched, fighting the impulse to whirl around and sprint outside, take the leap of faith and join ourselves by giving to the mate bond, however, I knew I couldn't. Too much has happened between us. We could never have what others had, we could never be normal mates.

As if he could read my mind and the current dilemma I was facing, a loud growl escaped him, full of power and desire. 

His wolf kept on calling out to my wolf. A clever strategy, I had to give him that. The human side of me had already picked a side - to run. But that was not the case with my wolf, which lowly whined, struggling to choose a side. To run away or not? And the overprotective and desperate growls of our mate wasn't helping the case either.

No. This is too much. I could not let him win. Feeling my anxiety and distress, my wolf decided to step down and let me take the reins. 

"He is here, me. What do I do?" Watching my lips move, his wolf slowly extended one of his legs forward - a warning. A warning that he would chase me if I tried to run. I could feel the sweat drench my skin, the throbbing of my own eyes, the ringing growls vibrating in my ears and the thumping of my heart against my chest. My fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm.

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