♥ bonus 2 : Of porcelain (Father! Haganezuka x Mother! Reader)

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Requested by @kiwipineapples ! Next in line is the request of @Yozakura_Miu.

I hope you can all enjoy it !

Roméo kiffe Juliette et Juliette kiffe Roméo, et si le ciel n'est pas clément alors tant pis pour la météo.

The first time Haganezuka had encountered you, it was useless to say that he would have gone through tempests and tsunamis to get to know the beautiful soul in front of him. It was useless to say that you felt the same way, somehow feeling like you two were meant to meet, as if a powerful force attracted you to one another. Akai Ito, they say.

The union between the eccentric yet loving Haganezuka and (First Name) was considered a sin for a lot of people in the village. The male, after all, decided to marry a demon. A monster.

On the other hand, your family happened to be very open-minded, perhaps because of their unique lifestyle filled with talents and poetry. Indeed, (Last Name) family was known for its unique sense of art, each one of the family member had a gift in the matter. (First Name)'s late father was a brilliant musician, your mother was a marvelous singer, your brother was a sharp poet. They all were brilliant, their art bringing life and colors into the acre reality where conflicts ruled.

Haganezuka felt blessed to have you by his side and he was proud to call himself a father. You had carried his child, the fruit of your unconditional love reflecting the hope for a life where light would pierce through the depth of hell. For others, (Daughter's Name) was the fruit of a consumed sin, but you two could not care less, as long as the ones you truly cared about accepted your daughter.

When Haganezuka left for a stroll, you were lucky to finally get some privileged mother-daughter time. It was important for the both of you to meet around something you both loved doing : pottery. Your daughter once saw you modeling a porcelain vase from kaolin materials and painting over it with a beautiful royal blue and sea green color. So when she asked if she could do one with you today, with puppy eyes your lover has taught her to do, you could not say no. Plus, she inherited your family's talent for arts already as she was very sensitive to it.

You gave her a clean vase so she could start expressing herself through the colors she was given as you finalized yours onto the pottery station. It was not very elaborate, but the smile on her chubby cheeks translated nothing but true joy. After yours was finished, you walked to her with your vase in hand. Putting it down, you gently putting your palm on her smaller one, helping her draw leafs all around the top of your vase, creating some kind of necklace, as if it was a human being. She had stars in her eyes as they beamed over how beautiful the design looked.

" - (Daughter's Name), grab another brush ! You have the mission to color the bottom of the vase, I will keep on drawing leafs.

- Hai mommy ! " she cutely said, grabbing another pencil in her small hands, doing her best to color as you said, guiding her through some advises you gave. That poor thing even put some paint on her nose, and as you laughed at it, she decided to put some on yours too, making you laugh harder at how cute she was acting. When she was getting a bit bored, she decided to put her head on your lap, falling asleep on the warmth of your (favorite color) kimono your husband had offered you for your birthday.

Meanwhile, you kept on painting on your vase with a rare delicacy, adding some lighter green onto the vase to shade the leafs you had already done with your precious daughter. Your features were relaxed and your whole self felt calm, soothed, at peace. The graze of the brush over the porcelain surface reminded you of the times you would paint over anything in your house, earning the praise of your father and the cries of your mother as you drew on her kimonos, only making them even more beautiful (in your opinion).

Slightly humming to a song your father had composed, you were quickly interrupted by someone saying :

" - I never knew you could draw, or paint, or hum in such a talented manner, (First Name)".

You turned your head towards the entrance of the room only to notice your unmasked husband standing in the doorway, his long raven hair falling lazily onto his shoulders, his prominent eyebrows relaxed, his features as peaceful as yours.

" - How long have you been here ?

- I never left, when I said I would take a stroll, I just went into the backyard. I wanted to see what a mother-daughter moment was... since I am excluded all the time !" he dramatically said, making you slightly chuckle.

He looked over your daughter's vase, laughing over the fact that it was very colorful and messy, but at the same time he loved it.

He then looked at yours. He never knew you were so talented, after all of these years spent together. He could not understand how could anyone think of you as a monster, he could not before, but now, who could in their right mind think such a thing ? After he saw the most human and pure aura coming out of you as you painted, as you created the most beautiful object he had ever seen with such delicacy and finesse ? He had heard a lot of times that demons were not capable of love or any form of arts, and only humans could. But what was human ? What was demonic ? Such frontiers did not exist, he knew it. He knew it even harder after seeing you painting onto the vase with the most delicate strokes he had witnessed and touches as you made it all up out of kaolin.

He was mesmerized and felt lucky that after all of this time, he had the chance to get to know you again. Every day of his life he made a promise of never taking you for granted and always understand you. Here was the missing piece of his own puzzle : your art.

He felt even more connected to you now that he saw your vulnerable side, your secret garden, your passion. Under the glides of the brush, he felt like each time you would graze over the porcelain was a time where his love grew stronger. Perhaps it was the meaning of art, the real art, the one hypnotizing you from the start, leading you into a waltz where you could only try your best to follow. The Akai Ito was real.

Walking in the room and scouting in front of you, careful not to bump into your lightly snoring  daughter, cupping your face, he looked at you :

" - (First Name)... It's really beautiful, you know that ? And believe me, you've never been so beautiful either. Painting... is in your nature, please don't hide such a gift from my preying eyes, will you ?" he said, his thumbs caressing your cheeks in the most delicate manner, as if you were made of porcelain. You smiled, shyly nodding as it was the first time you expressed your talent in front of him.

He stood up, quickly getting his mask and brought it to you :

" - Paint me a new one. I want to be your canvas, my love. "

With that, you two spent the rest of the day painting over his old mask, laughing over the fact that you were way more skilled than he was.

Maybe your daughter inherited his clumsiness in using a brush after all.

I tried to make it as cute as I could. Hope it worked, otherwise sorry sorryyy.

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