six | E Pluribus Unum

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"I DON'T UNDERSTAND," ROBIN SAYS AS they run down the stairs, "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly," Steve and Dustin say in unison.

"Not exactly?" Angela asks.

"All you need to know is that it's really bad," Steve tells her.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock," Angela retorts.

"No, this is end-of-the-human-race kind of bad," Dustin says, and Danielle wants to go back upstairs and see what exactly it is.

"Is that thing alive?" she asks.

"And how do you know about it?" Robin asks.

"Uh, where did the Russian guy go?" Angela asks as she looks at the floor to find the Russian gone with only his blood left on the floor.

"Great, he's probably gone and rat us out," following Erica's words, the alarms go off, "Called it."

Steve opens the door and glances out before shutting it quickly. Angela glances at him, "They saw you, didn't they?"

"Mhm," Steve said, holding the door closed.

"Up the stairs!" Robin yelled. They ran after her up the stairs and into the lab room with the Russian scientist. They stared at them confused before Dustin led them down another stairwell. Danielle came to a stop when she realized they were standing right beside the giant Russian electrical weapon.

"Holy shit!" Dustin yelled out. Steve glanced behind them finding another stairwell.

"This way!" he shouted and the five of them followed after him. Angela grabbed Erica's hand, making sure to drag her along. Guards came after them, but Steve bumped into a pile of barrels blocking their path.

Robin threw open the door and everyone rushed in. Danielle closed it and held it shut, pressing her back against it. The Russians, however, kept pushing through which prompted Robin to help her.

"What are you doing?" Danielle asked.

"Helping you!" Robin answered.

Erica and Angela found a door, which Angela promptly opened and shoved Erica down. She glanced over at Dustin waving them over. Steve looked between the two unsure of whether he should go with Angela, Dustin, and Erica or if he should help Danielle and Robin.

"Steve come on!" Angela yelled.

"No, we can't leave them!" Steve yells.

"Dingus just go!" Robin yells.

"We'll come back for you guys!" Dustin yells, shutting the door behind him. Danielle and Robin all collapse on the floor as the Russians break through the door and pull their guns on them. Danielle raises her hands in surrender, as does Robin.

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