NO!! its the prince!

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...behind those doors...are the nobles of Dayphelia...and the royal family...I cannot mess this would look bad on my family if I do...

Both my parents and Jade are already in the hall...of course the birthday girl will be fashionably late!...ugh I have butterflies in my stomach!

It's currently's really hot right now, glad I convinced Dorothy to not put on any makeup or else I would've died of heat right now, however she still forcefully applied lip gloss on's gonna come off once I eat food so why put it on?

Never minding that let me explain the schedule of the party, first of all I come in and we start the greetings, after that we have time to chat and mingle with the guests then it's the crystal ceremony where they will show to the guests what attributes I own, after that is the dance (which I will miss...secretly!) once that is over..*sigh* it is..the engagement announcement..not even the prince would be aware of this...anyways once it's announced and over with, everyone will head home..and the wretched day would finally be over!!!

"Introducing The Young Lady, daughter of the duke and duchess, Raelyne de Graysten!"

The called me..I guess it's time to go now...

The big doors open and what lays before me is a flight of stairs which I must gracefully comedown...

It's so many people!!

"I am extremely grateful that all of you were able to attend today's party,* I do a curtsey* ( those hours of falling on my back has payed off!) I do hope you will enjoy this joyful evening!"

I say it with a slight smile, not to big or else I would look like someone who's cheeks were stuck up with tape!....just like my etiquette teacher told me!

And with that Everyone cheers and claps, as I make my way down the stairs..while people me!


I...don't know what to do now..everyone  has gone back to their own conversations...I need to find Jade, I haven't seen him since the day we went shopping, I was too busy getting chas- I mean getting ready to meet him!...why is everyone staring at me..chin held up straight, and I'm waking gracefully?...I need to find him quickly!!

Random conversation:

"Wow..the dukes daughter is breathtakingly beautiful..."

"Yes her manners are splendid!"

"They must have hired really good tutors.."

"Oh what if she is as gifted in magic as she is in her beauty?"

"Just like her parents..she will surely bring the family great pride!"

Back to Raelynes point of view

Where are they...oh I can see Jade..he is talking with some noble kids..wait is the prince here?...I look around..phew he isn't...oh and my parents seem to be mingling with the other guests!


I call out to him but I hope the nobles won't mind to much.

I approach the bundle of kids surrounding Jade like a swarm of bees...i feel sorry for him..


"Oh it's Raelyne!! she looks so beautiful!!" the others whisper.

"...oh um..please excuse us I need to talk to my sister!"

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