Hey, Wind! Put Me Down!

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          Author's Note: Please enjoy this revised chapter courtesy of crossoverLIFE19. 🤗

          Annoyingly so, Ben keeps to his word. After all of our classes are done for the day, Ben leads me back to the blasted tourney field for coaching. Of course, Carlos felt obliged to tag along with his talking dog, Dude. When we stand in the field, I move to the position instructed by Ben. The grass feels lush under my bare feet, and I wipe some sweat on my shorts from the morning sun. When I had walked out of the school barefoot once more, I could see the from the way Ben was looking at me, he was about to turn me around and tell me to get shoes. Thankfully, one look from Carlos and they left it alone - leaving me where I am now. While appreciation fills me with Carlos' back-up, I still can't find it in me to enjoy his decision to tag-along. 

        "Ok, Jack, we're gonna work on some sprints," Ben says, placing his pencil down on his clipboard. 

          "Ready?" Carlos asks. 

          I glance over at him, spotting the timer held in his grip. I sigh, moving down into a running position and waiting for the mark. Even facing away from him, I can hear Carlos getting ready to push the button as he starts to yell the command - until someone interrupts us. 

           "You're trying to get frost freak to run?" Chad snickers, passing by. "Are you wishing for an early Christmas or something?" 

           My stance goes tense, my lips pulling into a snarl as my magic spikes inside of me. With no words uttered, I move to stare at little Charming with an icy glare -smirking as his smug grin wavers. I don't wait for Carlos' command, I simply take off running as fast as I can. I'm not just good for my powers, momma's boy, I think to myself. I pump my legs as fast as I can, never slowing to see where I'm going or who'swatching. Run with the wind. Fly with the wind. I repeat my mantra, closing my eyes as I lose myself to the repetitive steps in my run. Soon enough, what once felt like grass under my feet begins to feel like simple wind - the same gusts blowing through my hair and encompassing my body. Nothing can beat this feeling - the feeling of freedom in one's grasp and wind at their command. 

           I grin, reveling in the feeling for as long as I can. Suddenly, a mantra of my name being yelled echoes back to me. The sudden screech makes me halt in my steps, turning back to look at the group with a furrow in my brow. I move to ask why they ripped me from paradise when I notice something strange. Where the little group used to be watching me run across from them, they now gaze up at me with wide eyes; both panic and awe seizing their emotions clear as day. I tilt my head, finally turning my head to look at my feet - only to see nothing but the wind keeping me from falling many feet in the air. I immediately release a scream, panicking as I try to figure out how to get down before I'm dropped. 

             "Jack, hang on!" Carlos yells, looking around for something to help me down. 

              Hang on to what!? By now, everyone's staring up at me, all of their eyes sending even more of my nerves spiking. Okay, okay - losing your mind isn't going to fix anything, I remind myself. I stop moving, simply standing as still as possible as I force myself to take in steady breaths. The little flakes of snow help calm me down - thoughI know it's doing the opposite for all the bystanders. Okay, how are you flying right now? I rack my brain for a solution until Dad's voice suddenly rings through my thoughts. 

            ...leaving you with only winter and wind at your fingertips....It can be affected by emotions. To channel it, I've made this. 

           My eyes snap open at the same time I grab the staff pendant from my neck. In seconds, the same glow encompasses it and turns the pendant back into my large staff. I grin, my muscles relaxing at the familiar sensation of twisting wood underneath my fingertips. Shaking away every other thought and noise, I focus on thewind under my feet and the staff in my hand. Still, no silent command forces the wind to release me. 

           Huffing in annoyance, I give up and simply holler to the empty air, "Hey, Wind! Put me down!" Within seconds, the wind's grip loosens and I'm gently led back to flatter ground. When my feet touch the lush grass, the wind disperses and takes the little flurries of snow with it. I take a moment to comprehend what just happened, but a cough pulls me from my thoughts. When I turn to find the source, everyone's staringat me.

            Great, how do I explain this?

Author's Note: I can see this story's getting many readers. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and share this chapter. I ❤ feedback/reviews.

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