Zero Gravity: Part Two

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"Here we are, your new home," Wendy said, gesturing to the clearing ahead of them.

Bill squinted. "What the hell is that?"

They were looking at a old shack, it appeared to be unstable, Bill wouldn't be surprised if it fell apart at the last second.

"You got to be kidding me, Red," Bill complained.

Wendy shrugged. "It's better than nothing."

Bill sighed, while Will strolled forward, a curious look in his eyes. Bill followed him, running his hand on the totem pole that sprouted from the ground in front of the shack. When he removed his hand, it was covered in dust.

Bill grimaced, yet, it was still better than their last living arrangement.

The twins finally paused at the porch of the building, the door hung limply by it's hinges.

"I should be going," Wendy said. "If you need anything, just call me."

"Wait," Bill said, turning around. But, she was already gone, without any remnant of her arrival, not even a footprint.

Well, she's a character, Bill thought. 

He turned to Will, just when he's brother reached for the doorknob. As soon, as he gripped it, the entire thing fell off and crashed onto the floor.

Will flinched. "Sorry."

"We'll fix it later," Bill reassured. He stepped over the fallen door, and inside the shack, where he was given a surprise.

The outside was crap, but the inside, however, was perfect. There was a living room, a sofa, a TV, and a staircase, all appeared to be in good shape.

"Nice," Bill smiled, examining the TV.

"I'm going to check upstairs," Will said.

Bill nodded. "Scream if you see a murderer." 

"Not funny," Will retorted. There was a sound of his footsteps, then suddenly a crash, followed by a high pitched scream.

"Wow, I was right," Bill said, then he grabbed the nearest weapon, a lamp on a table beside the sofa.

He ran to the staircase, only to see that there was no murderer, but Will, who had his foot stuck in a broken step.

"Will, stop breaking everything you touch!" Bill snapped, lowering the lamp.

After some difficulty, Will freed his foot from the splintered wood. He rubbed his ankle, before his gaze fixated on the hole in the step.

" might want to see this."

Curious, Bill moved to his brother's side, and peered down. A book was inside the step, it had a battered and torn maroon cover, and it was covered in dust and cobwebs.

"Weird" Will stated.

Bill nodded in agreement. He picked the book up, and blew the dust off it's cover, revealing a golden cutout of a six fingered hand. The twins sat on an unbroken step, and Bill opened the book. The inside of the front cover, were words that spelled "Property of", while the rest was too smudged to read. Bill hesitantly flipped through the pages.

"I can't believe it's been centuries since I discovered the strange and magical properties of Zero Gravity Town," Bill read aloud. "A place where Guardians like my brother and I can thrive, and be worshipped by the mortals. Unfortunately, there is a dark presence within this place, a threatening Apocalypse is approaching, and we are the only beings who can prevent it. Ergo, we must forever remain in this town, and I must hide this journal before he finds it. Remember: in Zero Gravity Town, there is no one you can trust.

He skipped to the last page, which had the bold words TRUST NO ONE written in what looked like blood.

"What is this?" Will murmured.

Bill didn't have an answer. He flipped through more pages, immediately coming across a picture of two young adults. They appeared to be twins, despite one of them being a female, and they were wearing old looking attire. The male one had a sword with a galaxy print on it's blade.

"Guardians of the World Balance," Bill read. "They protect the universe from magical corruption, they live in the Mindscape, away from the physical realm. Mabel is armed with her Bubbles of Pure Madness, while Dipper wields the Galaxy Sword. In our world, Dipper is known as the Mind, while Mabel is the Heart."

Bill arched an eyebrow.

Will suddenly reached out and turned the page, that's when they saw a familiar face.

"Wendy?" Bill gasped.

On the page, was the unmistakable image of the redhead, from the furs, to the axe she held in her hands.

Bill quickly read the information underneath. "Spirit of the Forest. She protects all forms of nature, lives in the physical realm. Armed with her Battle Axe, she is mastered at surviving in the woods, and has the ability to talk to animals."

"So...what I'm hearing is," Will started, his eyes widened. "Wendy was actually some kind of godlike she-warrior."

"You say that, like it's not the hottest thing ever," Bill remarked.

Will's eyes darted around nervously. "I don't like this, Bill. First, the gnomes, now this! I think we should just leave."

"I would agree with you, if we had any place to go!" Bill pointed out. "We can't leave, what about adventure?"

"OK, what about that Apocalypse that guy was writing about?" Will reminded. "And who are these Guardians? No, this is way past my weirdness level, we should go before something like a unicorn crashes in, and stabs us with it's horn." 

Bill sighed, already tired of Will's phobia. Honestly, he was intrigued by the journal, the secrets in ink written on it's pages. Even more so, he was intrigued by this town he was yet to discover, and he wasn't ready to leave it.

"We can think about it in the morning," Bill suggested, though he had no intention of thinking about it soon. "Now, we need some shuteye."

Thankfully, Will nodded in agreement. They both headed upstairs, and luckily for them, there was a room with two beds at the top. They dumped their backpacks onto the floor, before collapsing onto their new beds.

Bill's nose wrinkled in disgust at the thin moldy blanket, then he threw it to the ground, before pulling out a jersey from his backpack, and draping it over him, Will did the same.

"Goodnight, Bill," Will said.

"Goodnight," Bill said. "And don't worry. Nothing is going to get us out here."

He rested his head on the pillow, and closed his eyes. Bill found difficulty falling asleep, a chill was running up his spine. He assumed that the cold was the cause, but deep down, he felt as if a dark cloud was looming over his head, or a predator was stalking him without his awareness.

Whatever it was, it felt like someone...or something was watching him.

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