Chapter one

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Yeah, moving to a new school. Yep pie, not, I don't like moving to a new school I hate being the new kid. But I'm Emma Rose and well let's just say I never really liked school. Back when I was at my old school I used to be picked on, a lot. I remember one time I was called a fat whore. Most of the people in my old school called me fat all the time so I wasn't really bothered by it. I mean, sure being called a whore is very hurtful in a girls eyes but I don't care.
It doesn't really bother me being called names but what bothers me is going to a new school. I absolutely hate going to a new school and being the new kid. Oh well I guess it can't be helped. I better state getting ready before I have to leave. I sit down and starts to fix my hair then I hear my mom yell, "EMMA! GET OUT OF BED OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!". When I get my hair and makeup done I put on the uniform for the school. Since it's a private school I have to wear a uniform, great.

I walk down the stairs after I'm done getting ready and I'm already regretting waking up. Since I had to lift so many boxes on the day we packed up I lost a lot of weight. I don't even look like myself anymore, I look like a freaking model! But, I can't complain I mean I look smokin hot. I get down to the kitchen and see my mom cooking, brother eating his breakfast, and dad reading the newspaper. "Morning dad, morning mom" I say then kiss dads head. "Morning baby girl" dad replies.

I sit down and start to eat my breakfast, then notice that it's about time that I need to leave. I put move food in a to-go tray and kiss my parents goodbye. I run out the door with my food and backpack then run to where the bus is supposed to pick me up. When I get to the bus stop I realize that I have about ten minutes to wait. I sit down on the curb and start to eat my breakfast. "I wish I knew that I had this long to wait, I would've stayed a little bit longer" I say as I rip apart my toast.

    After a little bit I hear someone run up behind me to the bus stop. "Safe!" I hear the person yell and I look back. I notice that the person is a boy so I snap my head back to my food. I haven't talked to boys in a while, every time I tried in the past I was always called fat. The bus pulls up so I get off the curb, the driver opens the door and I get in. "Good morning sir, how have you been" the guy said.

   "I've been doing mighty fine kiddo, how about you?" the bus driver says as the boy walks back. "I'm doing really good, ready to graduate" the boy said as he continues to walk. I sit down and the boy stops right at my seat and he looks at me. "Can I sit with you?" the boy asks so I just scoot over and he sits down. I can see why he asked, there were no empty seats left and we were the last stop. After we got on the bus driver closes the door and pulls away from the bus stop.

   "I'm Liam, you must be new because I've never seen you on here before" the boy, Liam, says. He reaches his hand out but I don't shake it and say, "sorry I don't shake hands, but I'm Emma Rose". I unzip my bag and pull out the book 'The Amityville Horror' then starts to read it. It takes us probably five minutes to get to the school from my stop so it's a perfect time for me to read. The only reason I know that it takes five minutes is because a couple days ago my family timed it.

The bus is super noisy so I put my earbuds in, who would've thought a private school bus would be so loud? I mean, seriously, I thought people would be quiet and just read but no they're super loud. I always went to public schools so this is a whole new world to me. I feel someone tap my shoulder from behind so I put in my bookmark, pause my music and looks at the person. The person was a girl so I wasn't too mad at her. "Hi, I'm Ava it's a pleasure to meet you"the girl, Ava, says.

I smile at Ava and she says, "you get used to the noise after a while, oh and if you're worried about Liam, don't be he's pretty cool". I nod my head and turn around, I put my earbuds back in and I start to read my book again. We finally got to the school so I take my earbuds out of my ears and puts them away. I put my bookmark in my book and hides my phone, I'm not completely used to the rules here. The bus driver opens the door and all the students start filing out.

I was the last one that got out but before I could leave the bus the driver says, "Good luck today little girl, you'll need it". I nod my head in a way to say thank you then I get off the bus. When I get off the bus I see everyone looking at me. "Hey beautiful, how about you come and hang out with us?" a boy in a group calls out. I just roll my eyes and start walking towards the door. I felt someone's hands go on my waist then sees someone punch the guy who had me in his hand.

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