23: Ready

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A/N: Omg guys we reached 1k reads! It's my first time writing so I'm really glad you liked it.

Shoutout to my friends who are helping me to promote! Love y'all! ❤️

These chapters are my gift for you, are you ready? 😉


"Yahhh!" I jolted up from my seat as I saw the tweet, "Who tweeted this?"

I'm single. #SUGA

Jimin raised his hand slowly.

"Me?" He answered and questioned me as well, "Sejin hyung told me to tweet that... so the fans won't be suspicious about the photos of you and So-"

I waved my hand to stop him, "Okay okay."
I don't want to hear her name.

I plopped down the couch.


Why do they need to meddle with my life?

I understand that I signed that contract, but it doesn't mean that I'll follow whatever they say.

I know that we've worked hard for this... it's not like I'm regretting it now.

Bangtan gave me so much things I never thought I'll have.

Because of this, I am capable to gave my family everything they needed.

It gave me brothers, it gave me the army.

Suga has it all.

But Yoongi... he only has Sophie.

Or should I say, he only had Sophie.

My phone beeped notifying me about a new message from an unknown number.

I opened it and I saw pictures... pictures of her.

Sophie with that guy.

My hands trembling as I study their pictures.

They're in the park, sitting on the grass,

watching the sunset.

I closed my eyes. I can't stand to see the pictures anymore.

How dare he!

How dare he do the things we did?

I'm the only one who should watch the sunset with her.

"Hyung... are you okay?" Jungkook asked me.

I'm the only one who should feel happiness every time her yellow lights reached me. No one should feel the same way as I do.

That fucker guy... he stole my spot.

I threw my phone and it hit the wall hard.

I can't take to see those pictures anymore.

The maknae line, who were sitting with me in the break room, gasped at what I did.

"Hyung! What ha-"

Jimin was about to approach me but I ran.

With tears on my eyes I ran to my studio.

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