Tag #63

11 2 14

Tagged by: no one really because the people that did it are too kind to subject anyone to this monstrosity. That being said, I am rarely kind to myself in these matters.

I'm also going to take a page from Verity's book and probably flat out refuse to do some of these.

A'ight let's do this instead of working on War Doves. 

The Basics:

1 Do you listen to music when you write?

Eh, sometimes. Usually when I'm in the mood to or there is other stuff going on around me and I need something to block out the noise. Occasionally it helps me focus.

2 Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I am an unhealthy conglomerate of both; plan when I shouldn't and fly by the seat of pants when I shouldn't. 

3 Computer or paper and pen?

I do both, mostly computer though. I do a lot of my planning and world building on paper, along with some songs and poems that also relate to world building. 

4 Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?

No and yes

5 How much writing do you get done on an average day?

Ha! You assume I have an average day. 

6 Single or multiple POV?

Hmm... It depends on what the story needs. War Doves, multiple POV, mostly Aevar's, but I do include other's. For Dragon Nymph I'm working on making it Freya's POV only, we'll see how that goes. 

7 Standalone or series?

Again. Depends.

8 Oldest WIP

You may be thinking Oh! Alfykin! Easy. 


It's Dragon Nymph.

9 Current WIP

Too many.

10 Do you set yourself deadlines?

I try to like a good little writer, but deep down I know I can't ever meet them. 

The Specifics:

11 Books or authors who have influenced you the most

I refuse to answer this

12 Describe your perfect writing space

Idk, wherever I can focus I guess

13 Describe your writing process from idea to polished

I'll let you know when I get beyond idea and into polished.

14 How do you deal with self-doubts?

I don't. It's really unhealthy and I don't recommend it.

15 How do you deal with writer's block?

I read. A lot. 

16 How many drafts do you need until you're satisfied with a project?


BTW who came up with these questions? I feel like they don't understand how fluid writing is and how much it changes from project to project. Like, maybe I only needed two drafts for one project, but the next one I needed fifteen. WRITING IS NOT A PROCESS SET IN STONE! 

17 What writing habits or rituals do you have?

Procrastinate. Read something. Procrastinate more. Do this stupid tag that I'm starting to reget doing but am too far into to stop... procrastinate more. WRITE 1000 WORDS IN A DAY

I'm not even halfway through and I'm already done with this.

I'll publish it anyway because I have important news and apparently people tend to ignore announcements so I'll put it here.



I know, I know, you're all extremely happy I finally updated and can't wait to get to reading it again now that I have figured out where I'm going with this.

*cough cough*

In all seriousness, I am incredibly proud of War Doves.

Do I hate it sometimes?

Absolutely. It's a nightmare.

But I love it.

It's fun to write. I haven't had this much fun writing since I started Dragon Nymph, which I am slowly rewriting, I promise.

Hmm... what else...

I think that's it.

Now I'm going to bemoan the loss of every cent I made this summer because college is freaking expensive.

The Book of Lost Tags: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now