Chapter 16

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Staring at Milli she pushes around the food on her plate.

"Baby you got to eat something". I say causing her to look up at me.

"I'll eat when I get my baby back". She said lowly so low I almost couldn't hear her.

"Just eat a little bit for me". I said and she nodded.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out to see Ant calling me. Walking to the back I answer the phone.

"Boss we know who took your son and you won't believe this shit". He said and I pulled the phone away looking at it before bringing it back to my ear.

"Tell me who it is and where they at". I said grabbing my keys.

"I think you need to come in for this one". He said causing me to sigh.

"Aight I'll be there give me 20 minutes". I said hanging up and walking back into the kitchen.

"Baby I'll be back okay". I said softly and she nodded staring straight ahead at the tv.

Walking out the door I get in the elevator pressing the first floor. When the bell sounded the doors opened and I walk out getting in the car and pulling off.

|25 minutes later|

Pulling up behind the building I get out and open the door walking in.

"Wassup boss". I heard as I walked through the trap house.

"Wassup". I said nodding as I walked to the back to Ant's office before walking in.

"It's good to see you back in the trap house". He said dapping me up before pulling me into a hug.

"Preciate it". I said pulling back.

"Alright, I know what you here for so come around the desk". He said taking a seat turning the computer more my way.

Pressing play I watch the video before a person comes down the hall looking both ways before putting the key inside the door and going in and a few minutes later walking back out and they look at the camera slightly and I see Jasmine's face.

"Man tell me that's not my daughter dude". I said throwing my head back.

"I'm sorry man". He said shaking his head.

"Where is she". I ask taking a deep breath.

"She at the holiday inn on Frank street". He said and I nod dapping him up.

"Thanks, man I'm out". I said walking out of the house and getting in my car.

Driving off towards the holiday inn I think of how all this is going to turn out.

|15 minutes later|

Pulling up outside of the hotel I get out locking the doors before walking inside.

"Hello welcome to the holiday inn how may I help you". The receptionist said looking up from the computer.

"Yea what room is Jasmine Williams staying in". I ask leaning on the counter.

"I'm sorry that is private information". She said causing me to sigh.

"Look that's my fucking daughter so give me the information". I said and she began typing on the computer.

"Room 207". She said handing me a room key.

Walking off I go to the elevator pressing the button to go up. Stepping on I press the second floor watching the doors close.

Making it to the second floor I get off reading the room numbers. When I finally make it to 207 a hear a baby crying so I place the key in the slot and open it when it turns green. Walking in I look around and see José on the bed and I hear the shower running.

Grabbing him he quiets down as I sat on the bed rocking him. A few minutes later the doors open and Jasmine walks out.

"So you really took my son like that Jasmine". I ask causing her to jump.

"D-dad how did you find me". She asked stuttering as I put José down softly.

"I really want to lay your ass out right now but imma save that for Milli so get your shit and let's go". I said picking up José as she grabbed her things.

"Daddy please don't let her fight me". She said as we walked out of the room.

"You should've thought about that shit before you went around taking people's children". I said handing the receptionist the cards and walking out of the hotel.

Unlocking the door I buckle José in his car seat before getting in the car. Reaching over I backhand her before starting the car and driving off as she held her face.

|25 minutes later|

Pulling up in front of Milli's apartment we get out and I grab José before making our way inside the building. Getting off the elevator we walk to Milli's door.

"Give me the key". I said holding my hand out and she dug in her pocket handing it to me.

Unlocking the door we walk in and Milli looks up before rushing over and taking José from me crying and kissing all over his face.

"Where did you find him". She asked wiping her face.

"Jasmine kidnapped him". I said and she handed him to me before she started whooping Jasmine's ass.

"I'M SORRY". She screamed holding her hands in front of her.

After a while of Milli beating her ass, I stopped her.

"Aight that's enough". I said pushing her away from Jasmine letting her stand up.

"Get out bitch". Milli said taking José from me.

Jasmine staggered as she stood up walking towards the door.

"This ain't over". She said walking out of the door slamming it.

"Come on daddy spend time with your family". Milli said taking a seat on the couch.

Walking over I sit beside her and she leans into me playing with José.

After what Jasmine said I really have to keep an eye out on them...


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