chapter 21

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Surround yourself with great friends.they are part of what makes life truly worthwhile.

I came out smiling sheepishly at Ben,he smiled back and held my hand as we walked down the stairs.we met Mary in the kitchen,and he told her she could leave early today,she thanked him and we left.i tried keeping my surprise at the number of cars ben owned but I think I didn't do a great job at that because I felt ben squeeze my hand but in a reassuring way like he could read my mind.he picked a different car and opened the door for me.the ride was a comfortable silence.He dropped me in my apartment and told me he would like to come pick me up by 8pm,that he would like me to spend the night in his apartment I was already having different ideas run through my head and butterflies in my stomach.i gave him a shy nod,he walked me to my door and kissed me lightly on the lips.i watched him drive off,as I was about to open the door the door opened by itself and I was literally dragged into my own apartment and made to sit down....

"Now start talking,spill it bitch"...that was ericka..
Crystal sat beside me and kept giving me this creepy smile and kept "humming someone is in love"..
Eve stood beside ericka with her hands on her waist comeon jas u killing us,spill it girl.we've been looking through that window from the time ben stopped the car,and girl I would say you are in so deep..
While they where displaying there drama's I was just calculating the best way to tell them every crazy thing I have experinced..and eve might be right maybe I'm in so deep... I raised my hand to them to display my engagement ring expecting them to understand,they just looked at me lost..
"Come-on girl you have to say more than just show us your hand"that was eve
"We got engaged"!I screamed while I looked at there faces to notice their reaction,there mouth's were wide open,it was ericka that spoke up...
" Jas,are you serious?",she asked more like a whisper..
And I nodded this time they let out a happy scream and they all hugged me almost squeezing me to death..
"How did it happen",
"When did it happen"
"Are you sure"...
They all threw there questions at me at the same time while freaking out at the same time...calm down babes I succeeded in making them keep shut and they all sat down watching me waiting for me to explain everything to them.
  I told them how I thought it was a normal date and how it ended up with a proposal and how I said yes without thinking it and how surprised I still am like the rest of them.when I got to the part that ben was loaded not just him but his family,they were more shocked and told me they were sincerely happy for me and that no matter what happens they will be here for me through the crazy ride..I didn't know where the ride was taking me to but atleast I know I wasn't going to be alone,and that gave me confidence..
"Have you guys picked a date?ericka we haven't
"Have you told your mom?,that was crystal..
Oh shit that I picked my phone to dial her number,she picked on the third ring...
"Hey mom,how are you doing?
"I'm good baby,how are you holding on?
I'm doing well,mom will you be able to come home this weekend I have something important I would like to tell you..
"Is everything okay?
I could feel the worry in her voice..
Everything is fine,i just have something I would like to tell you in person..
I know I could just tell her over the phone,but I have missed my mother and I would like to see her and I would like to see the reaction on her face when I tell her,and once she is okay with it my brother's would have no choice but to suck it up.they are not always there after all.i bet they would be happy for me too.
"Okay baby,i love you
I love you too mom..then we hung up
Now I felt relaxed,and I felt some kind of peace within me,I kept smiling uncontrollably to myself Ericka snapped her fingers to my face and brought me back to earth..
"So have you guys done it yet?eve and Ericka asked at the same time
"Done what?I asked confused
Come on jas don't tell me Ben haven't gone down on you yet?Ericka asked surprised..they were now looking at me expecting an answer
I looked down blushing.."No!we haven't
"Jeez!!jas!,you mean you are going out with a hot guy like ben and you two haven't really had sex!f**k!!that was eve..
'I know I would jump that immediately after he proposed to me if I were in your shoes,and I would jump that the second time immediately after he tells me he is loaded..why waste time Ericka said with an eye roll...
"Typical bitch crystal said laughing,we all laughed...probably they wanna take things slow
"Yeah right!Ericka and eve said at the same time..we all laughed
I told them my experience with Ben in the morning,and how we ended up not doing anything,they kept calling Ben the perfect gentleman and kept telling me how lucky I was.then I told them how I agreed to spend the night at bens house. They were excited like they were the one's asked to spend the night,they all started telling me what to do and not what to do..they helped me pick a dress for the night and packed a few things for me just in case..really my friends are the best,while we were still packing crystal walked in and announced that the spa appointment has been booked,and they didn't act surprised,like I was the only one who didn't know..."spa what"?
"Chill jas,you always have to be ready and seriously you really need to wax,please let us take your wax virginity please?they were now all looking at me with there puppy eyes and I couldn't say no to them.."fine,let's go...
"Yay!!!they squealed,and highfived like they just did something great..they started talking about something else but I wasn't paying attention because I kept thinking of Ben and the possibility of what could happen tonight and I kept having this tingling sensation in my stomach......
After the spa appointment,I refused to talk to any of my friends. They never told me waxing could be this painful,"come on jas,we are only preparing you for what is ahead of you?
I looked at Ericka confused,she sure knows how to say things that doesn't make sense..
"Please eve tell jas how painful first time sex is..
"Yes jas!its way worst than waxing,the pain is something you can never forget,then eve started crying,you never forget the pain I still remember it like its yesterday..somehow I knew eve was faking the tears but it looks kinda real and I started feeling scared,and having doubt if I will ever want to have sex.. I saw crystal trying hard to suppress her laughter then they all burst into laughter,that was when I knew they were teasing me..I couldn't help but join them I laughed so hard that I started crying..they all stopped laughing and came close to hug me..hey jas don't cry,we were only joking...
"But what if it hurts?I asked like a little child who knows nothing about riding a bicycle and was so scared to try...
"It wnt jas,you would feel the pleasure more than the pain..eve answered reassuringly..
"What if Ben leaves me afterwards?
"Then we will make sure he doesn't leave with his balls,we will get the balls so you can play with it when ever you want..we all burst into laughter again..I hugged all three of them tight "I love you girls"
"We love you bitch"...the rest of the walk was in comfortable silent..we called a cab that took us to my apartment..crystal fixed something for us to eat I couldn't eat because I kept feeling anxious..Ericka helped me with my makeup,and I loved what she did with my face the makeup wasn't too much just enough to bring out my eyes,eve did my hair both my hair and makeup went well with the short tight black gown they helped me pick,I wore it with a red shoe and a red purse..I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't help but compliment me too..
"Damn girl if Ben doesn't rip that dress off you,when you come back I will"!crystal said with a sincere smile on her lips just as she was about to take pictures of me we heard a car horn outside..Ericka looked out and announced it was Ben,Ericka ran downstairs to open the door for Ben and I could barely hear what they were talking about.I started coming downstairs while eve walked behind with my bag like it was my wedding.I saw Ben right before he saw me I stood just to stare at him,Ben is so handsome!how come it took me time to notice,with the sensual way his mouth moves whenever he talk or his beautiful dimples whenever he laughs. They stopped talking and I think it was because of me I couldn't help but blush with the way Ben was looking at me like I was the finest piece in an art gallery he didnt wait for me to get down but walked towards me with his hands stretched I accepted and he walked me down the stairs..then he took my bag from eve..I hugged the girls by the door.
"Take good care of her"they said at the same time
"Sure!I will!Ben said while looking at we walked to where he parked his care Ben opened the door to the front seat for me and waited till I was comfortable,then he dropped my bag at the back seat,I was a little embarrassed because my friends packed my bag like I was going to be there for weeks..I was a little nervous I placed my hands on my laps and kept squeezing them I do that a lot whenever I felt nervous and I kept biting my lips..Ben joined me and gently placed his hand on my hands,I think it was to reassure me that I was going to be fine....
"If you don't stop biting those lips you won't blame me if I take you right in this car,he said smiling..I couldn't help but notice those dimples that always turn me on...
"Oh you handsome devil!he was literally taking my breath away..I think my face was all red I couldn't even look at his face I looked down and smiled...he laughed
Damn"!this night is so going to be a long night for me!I said to my self while Ben drove off...

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