An Offer Of A Lifetime?

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They both woke up earliy. Like an almost everyone was still asleep type earliy. "Come on.. I dont feel like standing around waiting." Shadowstorm Said. "Yea. Alright lets go." Ninjatail said and got up from laying.

More cats started to wake up so Shadowstorm and Ninjatail decided to hurry up and walk out into the forest. "So... Where are we going?" Ninjatail said. "Hm... How about we break some rules" Shadowstorm Said. She earned a look from Ninjatail of No.

"Fine go back or go somewhere else. Im out." She said and ran. "Fine.. Be carefull Shadow.." Ninjatail said.

Shadowstorm stopped at a road. She sniffed the air. It smelled horrible. She went to step across. "Shadowstorm!" Ninjatail said. Shadowstorm jumped back. "Ninjatail Dont do that!" Shadowstorm said.

"S-sorry i didnt mean to startle you." He said. Shadowstorm sighed "its okay.. I thought you didnt want to come?" She looked at him. Ninjatail was almost Silent. "Uh... Um.. See uh i uh..." He was trying to come up with an excuse other than him just wanting to be with her.

Shadowstorm laughed. "Its okay come on lets go." She said. Ninjatail looked worried, "o-okay." He said as they both crossed into thunderclan teritory. They sniffed the air. "Woah! The smell. So many cats." Shadowstorm said in amazement as they walked around.

"Y-yeah m-maybe we shoukd leave......" Ninjatail said terrified and nervously. "Come on live a little, this is Awsome!" Shadowstorm said ingnoring the fact she felt like they were being watched. "Shadow, we arnt supposed to be here lets leave before we get hurt. Please?" Ninjatail said.

"Just a little longer then we can leave okay?" Shadowstorm said. Ninjatail was fixing to say okay when a voice of a Cat spoke. "Technicaly you need to leave now." The voice said and shadowstorm looked in the direction of the voice.

"Are you one of the warriors here?" Shadowstorm asked. "Yes i am. But im on patrol and so are some others. Be lucky i found you two and not the others." The cat said. "May we see you?" Shadowstorm said. "No, im actualy supposed to fight you out of the teritory but you two are a aception." The cat said.

"Come back after the war that your clan will have and then we will talk." The cat said and vanished. Shadowstorm and Ninjatail went back to the clan because it was getting dark out or they would have continued to walk but in there teritory.

"Oh no.." Shadowstorm said. "What?" Ninjatail looked at her in confusion. "I forgot to ask the cat what there name was.." Shadowstorm said and ninjatail sighed.

That night Shadowstorm had a Strange dream. She dreamed about being among the stars.

(A/N) so... I will try to update sooner but um.. School has started and its kinda getting in the way. But thanks for being so patient with me.

The Story Of ShadowstormWhere stories live. Discover now