Bill part 2

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After bill and Stan were done making out, Stan asked bill, "do you like me? As more than a friend?" And bill quickly said "yes yes yes 100% you're great and you're a perfect person for me and I love you and I" "and you what?!, also you didn't stutter once" "I said that I love you, and I didn't s-stutter because when I'm around the people I love I always feel that even if I get rejected then at least I let my feelings out".  Stan smiles and kisses bill and then looks him in the eyes and says "I love you too" and then kisses him again. They held each other's hands and then Stan said to bill, "so are we official?" "Like d-dating?" Bill says smiling "yea like dating, where we kiss and cuddle and cute stuff like that" "I hope we're official" bill says and hugs Stan. Eddie and Richie come running down the stairs and say "WERE OFFICIAL TOO" and then Eddie starts giggling. "Did you listen to our whole conversation" bill said. "Yea we did" Eddie said very proudly. "So what did you guys do huh?" Richie said with a big smirk plastered on his face. "Okay well we kissed" Stan says. "Actually nah we made out" bill says laughing. "K cool haha" Richie says. "What were you guys doing upstairs?" Stan says. "Your mom" Richie says and starts laughing. Eddie wraps his arms around richies body, looks up, and says, "guess what" "what is it baby?" Richie says. "I love you sooo much" Eddie says smiling. "Stan we can't pull off pet names like that right?" "Sugar lips" bill adds on to his previous sentence. "How about we just call eachother our names" Stan says. "Yea that's a better idea" Richie says whilst cringing. "Says you, what is it baby (imitating Richie)" bill laughs when he hears that statement. "Oh shut up, I just wanna show my baby that I love him more than anything." Richie says "fine jeez calm down" Stan says.

Hey guys!! My writing is getting better thank god. But I hope you enjoyed this one❤️

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