George Harrison and Paul McCartney - Eligible Bachelors

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-Requests are open
-I'm working on Dread III
-George Harrison is precious


Back in 1964, George Martin brought on board a prodigy to assist in his producing endeavours. He'd met her when she was a struggling musician but believed her personality meant she didn't have what it took to handle international stardom. Though that might've been hurtful for a time, she quickly adapted to her life behind the scenes. She still got to do what she loved and was paid more than she ever could've imagined in doing so.

(Y/N) (L/N) just wanted to make music. She was a pretty little thing, talented and likeable, so of course George Martin was wary of her being around England's most eligible bachelors. Luckily there were no problems at all and (Y/N) worked with The Beatles all the time, finding them to be sweet and mischievous.


You were the assistant producer that occasionally got to work with the biggest band in the world. You had a hands on approach, working directly with them. It helped that you played a lot of instruments. A subtle musical genius. Though it was rare that you actually got to apply these skills creatively, given that the boys were so capable with their art. But everyday was still a riot.

"They said it wasn't you, but I saw you peep through YOUR FACE."

"Alright, call it there and stop. George stop playing, please. Thank you. Ringo, that'll do. Paul, John, come on, enough now." Martin scolded into the mic at the boys as they were recording.

"Do you want us to do it again, George?"

"Take six of No Re- Would you both shut up? (Y/N) and I are tired of listening to your nonsense, now I want a nice clean beginning-"

"That's not true, George, (Y/N) thinks we're hilarious. Can hardly hide that smile." Paul replies from behind his bass guitar.

Martin shakes his head and rolls his eyes. You grin at him. He doesn't smile all that often but his face is one of fondness. You take pity on your old boss and decide to try to tell the band to wrap it up. It likely wouldn't work, when they got into these moods and no one could shake them.

"Come on now lads, we all want to go home." You speak into the mic.

"Oh, we're all going home together are we, (Y/N)? First i'm hearing of this rendezvous" John quips, grinning.

"Actually John, you're married and therefore cannot partake in our rendezvous."

"Alright (Y/N), we'll crack on. Just for you." John shouted out in a voice. He often broke into these characters that sounded like sunday morning cartoons. He was an interesting guy, entertaining and unpredictable. But he could always take a joke. Your jokes, anyway.

You'd hardly had chance to view the boys as the catalyst they were because you knew them personally. They were just normal. Mischievous and boyish but very friendly, all the same. So you watched on as the girls screamed and chased them, counting yourself rather lucky to be working at Abbey Road. Though being pretty, likeable, quick witted and sharing their love of music meant you didn't escape the boy's attention. Especially that of a young George Harrison.

"Thank you everyone, that'll do for today." Martin announced, finally.

Martin and (Y/N) took off their headphones, exchanged words and then left the room, not before they both raised a hand to say goodnight to band. The boys copied the gesture and started to put their guitars in their respected cases and shuffle around, packing away for the day.

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