37: Brent Kicks the Yard Decor

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B nods. "It would. That's why you don't sleep with your best friends." His hand landing on my thigh.

"Do you have experience with that?"

Cheeks suck in for a second, defining those gorgeous cheekbones of his. "Remember Haileigh?"

Now, I nod. "Yeah, you slept with her? Wait, the one who spells her name stupidly?"

He nods. "Yep! Just kind of happened. I didn't mean to. She didn't mean to. But, we found each other kissing one another on her couch one afternoon, lead us going into her room. Since then we both just kind of stayed away from one another..." He doesn't seem sad, really, more weirded out by it than anything.

"Do I need to go pound her head to the core of the earth?"

Brent laughs. "No, it doesn't bother me. If it did I would've talked to her about it, but I just don't really care..."

"You sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"Umm!" I say loudly. "No, not that I'm aware of." Then he grabs his phone, flipping it open and putting it to his ear. "Who are you–"

I'm cut off by a finger to my lips. "Hey, what are you doing in approximately thirty minutes?" Brent looks to me before smiling with a wink. "'Kay! Will and me will be over." Phone dropped to his lap without a goodbye.




"You'll see."

I watch cars as we pass them and they pass us. "Have you ever showered with someone who weren't your parents?"

"Who weren't my parents?" He asks loudly. Kind of disgusted.

"Yeah, like, as a baby... Did they not put you in the shower with them?"

"Uh, I honestly have zero idea, and I really don't want to know... To answer your question, no. I've never showered with anyone."

"Took a bath?"

"Nope. Skinny dipped? Plenty."

"Oooh! Naked Brenny going for a swim!" I shake his leg.

He chuckles. "You'd love to see that, wouldn't you?" With that being said, I look out the window and ignore his dumb ass.

* * * * * *

Brent runs through the living room. "I'm sleeping over at Adam's!"

"Wait, young man!" Patricia walks in, drying her hands on a hand towel. Spots me and stops. "Hi, Willow." She smiles sweetly.

"Hey..." I give her a small wave.

Shorts and a toothbrush held up in the air. "I'll be back in the morning, mom." He kisses her cheek.

"Brently..." Her voice stern.

He stops, turns, and drops his arm. "Yeah?"

"I'm glad to see that you're home within the hour you promised, but you didn't ask beforehand, young man."

"I'm sorry, mom, but may I sleep over at Adams?" She sighs. "I'll do homework on Sunday, we're doing a few assignments together anyways." He points to me and I nod. "I promise I'll be home before two." His voice breaking is desperation.

Her shoulders drop. She's gonna give in. "Okay...alright." She nods. "If you're not home by or before two tomorrow, you're not going out at all this week. Brently, do I make myself clear, young man?"

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