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Hey so I thought about making this book since I started watching Euphoria. I personally looked to see if there were any book like this and I couldn't find any.

Anyway request are open. If you would like to make a request I just need to know such things as;
character you want the imagine about- such as Fez, Nate, Rue, Jules, or anyone else you'd like.
what you'd like to be called in it- such as your name, y/n or a nickname
• Also what you'd like the imagine to be about- such as a date, an argument, whatever you'd like.
Just message me with your request.

This isn't my first imagine book I've got one for on my block if you want to check that out (you don't have to). This is my first imagine book on a tv show like euphoria.
I guess I'm trying to say some topics in here maybe controversial, so I'll be putting warnings and descriptions at the start of each imagine. I hope you understand.


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