Part 24 'these two good friends'

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And this is only one of the many pages! Even though this week was full of support by you guys, one individual takes the cake this week

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And this is only one of the many pages! Even though this week was full of support by you guys, one individual takes the cake this week.

And this is only one of the many pages! Even though this week was full of support by you guys, one individual takes the cake this week

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This chapters special person is @pinapple_angel!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Thank you all so much! Each comment or vote brings to my lips a happy smile._(:3 」∠)_

Back to Nirvana's POV+*.

I had pegged my Given as an introverted and quiet individual. Now I'm not too sure.

"Oh. My. Goddd you counted too fast!" Annoyed, between clenched teeth, Krel coldly huffs back, "You lost, again. Stop making excuses! It's not my counting!"

Only through the second half of the flight did I wake up and take back control from Crest. It was just in time too as she was ready to retire from listening to those two.

It's amusing to say the least, In a headachy way. I'm an only child so I can't relate, but I get the feeling this is how it's like to have siblings.


I can't see the dumb games they're playing, but I do know I don't care. I plan to focus on flying and ignore them. Beautiful serene blue sky with puffy clouds, please help me focus on you.

The sun stands a little prouder as it takes its place above my head; telling soon it'll be lunchtime.

Rhett is a guest to my land, so he should have no problem fitting into my dragons friendly society. For how long he'll stay? I don't know.
Only dragons can permanently reside. Meaning, eventually he'll have to leave.

As for my Given, never has there ever in history been a dragon's Given that has not been a dragon. Yet, I now wonder if the reason many haven't found their Givens these passing years is because they only look among fellow dragons and never venture further out.

This change terrifies me and brings up many more questions equally just as frightening.

"-she says she loves you." I tune back in. What is Rhett talking to Given about? Who loves him?

"Don't talk to me ever again. You..have n-no idea." In the end, Krel's voice cracked.

I'm more confused now. Is it a clingy bento?

In my land, we don't have the titles whores or thots, gigolos, etc. It never goes that far because mating is a court offense if it's not with your Given. Instead, we have Given-less dragons who like to be a little extra in their flirting. Something tasty and sweet to look at. A small buffet that doesn't mind grabby hands

Thinking about it now, bento sounds even more wrong.

"I'm confused, why wouldn't she lo-" Not letting Rhett finish, Krel yells, "I SAID DON'T LIE!SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPPP"

In the air, I feel it, the intense thirst for blood. It makes me worried that everything went silent afterward.

"Split them up immediately or Rhett will die!"


I turn towards my mind link with Krel. 'Stop what you're doing!' Nothing..

If I toss them into the air, no that could hurt them. Maybe if I, no..

Looking down fifteen thousand feet with Crests eyes I see I'm flying directly above farmlands. Empty looking farm lands.

Not wasting another second, I avoid diving and cracking their heads open, and instead flap down into the clearing.

Despite the unusual emergency landing, I hit the ground with poise. I keep my wings out as a tip myself to the side with the desired outcome of both of them slipping out.

With my snout, I keep them from completely falling off which is quite the drop for their little bodies.

I turn alarmed as I see what's happening. Given is choking Rhett out with one hand and bashing his face in with the other. Even with his towering size over Krel, Rhett is nothing to Alpha blood. He can only desperately whimper and scratch at Given.

What happened between these two good friends???

Roughly, I drop them on a hay bail and shift. Seconds later, I emerge fully clothed and fully concerned. Given is still on top of Rhett snarling with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Krel, Get. Off. Of. Him." He didn't so much as blink at my command. This little wolf.. "I said, get off of him." Crests authority slipped into the sentence as I had growled it out. I know they felt the cold draft coming their way.

I could see it, for a second fear swirled around in the pair's eyes. Immediately Krel jerked his head down in submission. Given shakily let's go and kneels off to the side of Rhett.

Arms crossed, I turn towards Given. "Krel, go get me a lemonade." I can tell it gave him chills when his name left my lips. Continuing, "It's down the road somewhere that way." I nod towards one direction of a dirt road behind me. "I give you ten minutes. It should be enough time for this Beta to catch his breath."


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