Ch 37: The Difference

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The depression that had been plaguing Henry for the past few weeks had finally begun to lift after his conversation with Kayden.

He hadn't realized initially how much he had been struggling with his own self-identity, and how difficult it had been coming to terms with his mistakes and his supposed "true nature" until he had sat down and talked with the older soldier. Henry had initially thought he was over his insecurities after speaking with his uncle and Adelaide, but his dissatisfaction with himself had continuously reoccurred with every interaction he had with those around him.

However, after speaking with Kayden, Henry had this odd moment of reaffirmation that had quelled all of his self-doubts and internal disgusts with himself. His distrust, too, was also beginning to lessen the further he reflected. The more he considered Adelaide, the less angry he became with her, and the more he stopped begrudging her lie. It seemed, the more he stopped hating himself, the more he stopped being angry with her.

By the time the day arrived to go and fetch Adelaide, Henry was in a considerably good mood. Kayden road alongside him and a few of Henry's personal guard accompanied them as they headed out to the neighboring town. Henry brought along a carriage as well but refused to ride in it himself, preferring the fresh, open hair despite the chill.

"So, what exactly is Arthur's sister's name?" Anthony inquired from behind Henry. A large white cloud of breath followed his words, and he shivered violently, stretching his fingers to bring blood back to his hands. Henry readjusted his seat position to get a better look at Anthony.

"Her name is Adelaide," Henry informed naturally, his body relaxed and familiar on the back of his horse Duke, who he had ceremoniously been named after the Francis II. It had unintentionally pleased the Duke of Brittany immensely once discovering the inspiration behind the chestnut-colored horse's title. "Arthur informed me she was named after their mother, while he was named after their father."

Despite hating to lie, Henry was rather good at it. It helped, too, that there was a degree of truth sprinkled into his fib. It made crafting the story more believable and more natural to deliver. Kayden, however, was a lousy liar, and stayed quiet for the most part, riding at the front of the group and avoiding the eyes of his other guard members.

"I never even knew he had a sister," remarked Theodore, a sulky looking man with a sunken face and prominent cheekbones. His voice happened to have a deep, methodic ring to it that off-balanced his morose demeanor. Just as Anthony's eyes were alarming yellow and large, Theodore's voice often caught people off guard, many doubting his words originated from him at all.

"I don't think any of us did," commented Marcus, who stifled a yawn as he trotted beside Anthony sleepily. Henry was reasonably certain Marcus been sleeping ever since the party had ended, and gave the man a scrutinizing look. Marcus was an astounding swordsman but tended to have no self-control when it came to alcohol. He at least had the decency to look bashful. "Arthur's not very talkative, so I'm not surprised he hid something like this from all of us. I'm not even sure what the guy's last name is, now that I think about it."

The remark seemed to have the entire group halting mentally together. Henry looked at Kayden for answers, but he was already shooting Henry a similar look of questioning. Everyone else in the group had their attention directed to Henry, waiting.

"You know," Henry began slowly in response, feeling his cheeks flush. "Now that I think about it, I don't remember. I believe he told me when we first met, but that was years ago and I only heard it the once."

"So, let me get this right," began Anthony, shaking his head. "We've been living with Arthur for nearly six years, and none of us know or can recall his last name?"

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