author's note

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First of all, I am not a Stay. Tho, Stray Kids is the second group that I love, I can't really say that I'm a Stay. I only know few things about them—maybe basic things—so, if you read this story and felt uncomfortable because jeongin's character here is not really the same to the real jeongin.. I apologize in advance :( I'm still on the stage where I'm getting to know them more. I will try to make improvements on that stage ㅋㅋㅋ

Also, I don't know why I paired these two. They barely interact with each other, could've paired Nayeon to Chan since they were close buuuuuuut I just watched the interview of jyp artists on the waiting room (gayo daejun 2018), nayeon and jeongin were standing next to each other, there's a part where nayeon gave the mic to jeongin aNd mY dUmBaSs cReAtIvE mInD jUsT tHoUgHt "nAyEoN iS sIx yEarS oLdEr tHan hIm, iT's fUcKing hOt iF thEy wEre iN a rElaTiOnShi11p—" I apologize. I am deeply sorry for thinking that way. I am sorry for every onces and stays out there but hey I just want to remind y'll not to take this story seriously, it's just a fanfiction. NO HATE EVERYONE So yeah, give me your thoughts when you read the title and description ㅋㅋㅋ

Happy reading everyone and please do support me! ^^

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