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Five years later.

Just Kidding.



Another call came through, breaking me from my focused trance as I sped down the freeway. I clicked the button on the dash, the voice of the man I was about to kill bled through the speakers of the Mercedes. "Hello, Mr. Scott." A familiar accented voice was on the other end, Vinny Matarazzo.

Pure rage lined my tone. "Tell me where the fuck they are." I growled into the empty car, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as I headed back towards the city, going at least a hundred miles an hour.

"Tsk Tsk. I call the shots, understand?" His arrogance would have made me laugh if I wasn't enraged and in fear for my girl and Ash. I've never felt this before, this fear... it's coursing through my veins.

"Get to the fucking point Vinny," I spat, imagining my hands around his neck, watching the life draining from his pointless existence.

"I'll call you later with the details." He said, and then he hung up. I began to laugh, a maniacal laugh. I was losing it.

I was thanking God that I put a tracker on Emma. I know, I know it's a little crazy, but her safety is the absolute most important thing to me. Her life is vital. After the stunt they pulled with the club, ditching my driver, I couldn't take any chances.

I picked Ricky up and sped as fast as I could to the coordinates on the GPS.

By the time we got to their location, it was dark outside. It was the industrial part of town and we parked a block away, walking with purpose as we crept upon a warehouse, not a huge place but big enough to hold a lot of men. There was no time for reconnaissance... I had to go in now.

I turned to Ricky, every ounce of authority I had creeping through my voice. If he fucked this up, I would kill him too.

"You get Ashley, I'll get Emma. Clean break. If we can't get them out of there before I kill every last one of them you shield them, understand?" He nodded and I tucked my gun in the waistband at the back of my pants. "Under no circumstance do you save me if it puts them in danger," I added.

We crept up to a large metal door, I knew the moment I pulled it open even if I was quiet it would alert them to our presence. I had no other choice.

I stormed in, Ricky following close behind. Both of our guns were drawn and when I saw the girls tied up back to back, both of them in their underwear I decided that I was going to kill everyone involved, including their family, their friends. Fuck, even their distant cousins.

Vinny looked at me, but he wasn't surprised. That's when my eyes panned around. Six men, did he really think six men would stop me?

"Took you long enough," Vinny said as he twirled a knife in his hands and stepped towards Emma. I did the same but stopped when he held the knife to her throat. I didn't want my voice to crack so I cleared my throat before speaking.

"You can have anything," I said. "Just let the girls go."

He laughed; I tightened my hand around the gun.

"You can't give me back my daughter." He growled as the dull fluorescents accented the shimmer of his knife. He was right... I could give him money, power, practically anything in the world. But I couldn't bring back the dead. Besides, it was never my fault that happened. His choices had consequences that were out of my control.

I should have never gotten involved with dealings from the Mafia. But, back then I had nothing to lose. I'm not the same man I was, I have everything to lose now.

Vinny was a desperate man, but he didn't understand what he was holding beneath his sharp blade. My world.

I stood up straighter aiming my gun at his chest. "That wasn't my doing." I spat.

"Eye for an eye. Couldn't find the men who did it... yet. She'll do for now." He shrugged as he held it tighter against her soft skin, making my finger lightly squeeze the trigger. The only thing that was stopping me was fear of him accidentally cutting her, even the slightest nick on her skin would not be tolerated.

"Aim the gun down or this pretty one gets a gash on her neck." He said, his voice devoid of any emotion he sounded... bored.

I didn't obey, I would never. I knew the second I did, he would get his men to shoot me. If I died, how would she be safe? I stood my ground.

"Wrong choice." He said as he lightly skimmed her cheek with the blade, I let out a low growl when she cried out to me. A line of blood dripping down her face.

"See, Aiden." He said, his voice laced with humor. "I have you're Sorella (Sister) and your Piccolo (Little one). I want to keep them, they're just... so obedient when they're passed out." He laughed and rage filled me. He had to die. "If you fucking touched either one of them, I swear to God." I choked. The odds were against us, I knew they were, but Emma shouldn't have to see me this way.

And she definitely shouldn't see what I'm about to do.

If I die, it will be after I've squeezed the life of every man in this fucked up warehouse.

I looked at Emma's beautifully terrified face, trying to hide the anger in my voice so she didn't think my last words to her would be in any way mean or hateful. "Close your eyes." I pleaded with her, she obeyed. Thank god she obeyed because the second she did...

I pulled the trigger, putting a bullet through Vinny's eyes.

That was when bullets began to spray. Four men left.

I brought my body in front of Emma to shield her, Ricky did the same for Ashley as we shot the men in front of us. Three men left.

Ricky wailed in agony and I looked for a split second to him, he was shot in the leg. "I'm fine." He shouted before pulling the trigger twice and shooting two more. One man left.

Lucia Matarazzo, Vinny's brother was the last man standing. His eyes were filled with pure rage as he glanced at his dead brother, whom was lying stiff on the floor. A pool of blood seeping from his head, the sight made me laugh. I wanted Lucia to suffer, the others died too quickly for my liking. I shot his hand and he dropped the gun. I laughed again, maniacally as I threw my head back.

I didn't notice the gun he pulled from his waistband.

The bullet went in so fast; I could hardly feel it. Only the sound of Emma's torturous screams made me realize what had happened.

I looked down and saw the red seeping through my white t shirt. I cursed myself for not wearing a black shirt, Emma shouldn't have to see this.

Before everything went black, I emptied my clip into Lucia's chest. The last thing I did was smile. My sisters safe. My girl, my beautiful girl, Emma is safe. I would gladly bleed out onto the cold concrete if it meant she wouldn't endure another scratch on her perfect body.



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