September 11, 2011

24 0 1

I was born in 2005. I was just 6 when I drew the picture so, please bear if I make mistakes. I am just a self-taught artist and I drew this because I was one of those common people who like manga or anime also known as "otaku". This was my first attempt at drawing something that's new for me, and I think it's at least good for someone who is just 6 years old. My mom said that it could draw well but I couldn't write really well. I wasn't listening, so I thought she said I don't draw very good. That discouraged me to draw and since then, I drew weird. My cars were weird, my fishes were weird, my people was just sticks, everything was weird. I always wanted to be taught by a professional on how to draw because I just want to draw all day!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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