School pt.3

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I turn around to see Dakari, (that guy from champs). I turned quickly back around. Look to the side of me and I was just like GREAT😒. Of course he would sit right next to me.

Dakari: hey ma

Alana: *ignores him*

Dakari: hey ma!

Alana: oh, sorry. Hey.

Dakari: who knew we go to the same school? Betta yet, got the same classes. You a senior?

Alana: No, I'm a sophomore.

Dakari: damn :) me too. What's your name ma?

Alana: uh, Alana.

Dakari: that's a beautiful name, Alana.

Alana: haha thanks.

Dakari: ya welcome. Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out Friday?

Alana: uh, okay haha.

Dakari: really? I swore you were about to say no haha. In that case let's just swap numbers and I'll call you later.

Alana: ight, let me see ya phone.......there ya go.

Dakari: Kay, well I'll see you later Alana.

Alana: okay😂😊.

Class ended quickly and school went by like a breeze. The whole entire time I was too busy thinking about Friday😊.

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