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Taehyung groaned as he felt someone softly kicking his legs.

"Yo, wake up" jungkook said as he softly kicked taehyung, making sure not to hurt him

Taehyung whined before turning around and clinging to jungkook's leg who was startled by the other's action, a flustered blush reaching upto his face

"H-hey what are you doing?!" Jungkook yelled and taehyung jolted up

"What?!" Taehyung yelled

"Nothing. Just cover yourself up" jungkook cleared his throat and taehyung yelped

"Eep, perv!" Taehyung screeched, hiding himself with a blanket while jungkook rolled his eyes

"You fell down the couch and I decided to wake you up and tell you that you should cover yourself but you call me perv? Seriously?" Jungkook arched his eyebrow

"Can't trust anyone" taehyung said

"Then why did you even sit behind me yesterday night when I told you?" Jungkook smirked and taehyung squinted his eyes as he had no reply to that.

"Whatever. I'm going to take bath, give me clothes" taehyung said as he forwarded his hands

"My clothes won't fit you" jungkook said in a monotone

"Fine, I'll just wear a shirt if that's fine" taehyung retorted

"No that's not fine. I'll take you right then and there" jungkook said boldly, looking straight in Taehyung's eyes which were squinted

"Pervert, I won't let you do anything to me" he said, crossing his hands over his stomach

"Are you sure? You can't even fight me" jungkook said, copying the other's actions which irritated taehyung more

"I'll call the police and they'll arrest you" taehyung narrowed his eyes

"They'll also arrest you as an accomplice" jungkook said, narrowing his eyes too

"I'll fucking kill you" taehyung grunted

"I'll fucking kiss you" jungkook grunted

Taehyung stomped his feet on the ground before sitting over jungkook's lap, eyes fuming with rage and nostrils flaring

Jungkook was shooketh when taehyung sat on his lap

"You'll kiss me right, then fucking try it" taehyung growled

"Where was this confidence when that guy used to force you?" Jungkook arched his eyebrow even though he didn't find it safe to talk back at this time

Taehyung angered up even more.

"Because he didn't piss me off, he scared me, you piss me off" taehyung scowled

"Oh really, then shall I start scaring you?" Jungkook said, placing his hands over taehyung's ass

"Wh-what are you doing, you perv!" Taehyung stuttered out, blushing

"Does this scare you?" Jungkook said, pinching his fleshy ass, and maybe that was the thing he wanted to do since he saw taehyung's perky ass

Well, that didn't scare taehyung but fucking turned him off

He smirked, deciding to take his revenge

"Yes it does, then maybe I shall scare you too" he smirked and forwarded his hand towards jungkook's clothed dick who was startled

"Wh-what the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook stuttered out, his breath hitched.

"Scaring you off" taehyung said evilly

He started to palm jungkook's clothed member which caused it to arise and jungkook to groan

"Stop it right...now" jungkook said with difficulty

"As you say" taehyung smirked, standing up and walking away towards the bathroom

"What?! You gave me a boner, you fucking piece of shit!" Jungkook yelled, pissed that someone had the courage to do this.

"I'm going to take bath~" taehyung sang, swaying his hips purposely and taking the shirt from the floor which was discarded by jungkook before he woke up

Jungkook squinted his eyes, staring at taehyung

He's driving me crazy, both ways


Taehyung smiled as he pulled the shirt over him and the towel over his wet blonde hair

He opened the door and stepped out.

But soon squeaked as he felt a gun pointing towards his chin and an angry and frowning jungkook standing in front of him, holding the gun towards his chin

"What the fuck do you want from me, dickhead?!" Taehyung shouted, scared seeing a gun pointed towards him

Jungkook smirked

"To solve the problem you've caused, down there"

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