Engineered Empress Epilogue

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Three days later over a barren planet 93 lightyears away

Ori Nakamuto stared at the monitor and rechecked her findings.

"Hey sis, my scanner has become trippy. It showed for a second some power source on that rock. Do you want to check it out again and return back down?" Yue looked back at her and responded.

"Ori, I know you are interested in all and everything between the stars, but that is a dead world down there. Are you sure it wasn't some interference from the sun? Or a malfunction in one of the mining bots?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you. You keep track on how much time we can spend here. It is risky enough for us to come out here every once in a while and sell our ore without Dick knowing. If he ever finds out we're either dead or indebted to him for the rest of our lives." Yue rubbed her head asking

"Yeah, yeah, I calculated everything so you can go gallivanting on that rock there and get your measurements together for your doctorate. So no, you need to wait to check on that until we pass by here again in three weeks. If you see that anomaly again, we can investigate." Ori agreed still trying to understand what kind of signal she just found.

"You are right, let's get out of here and bring our cargo to Dick. I hate that he wants every year to inspect his property. His scrutiny makes me feel as if he owns us too. I can't wait until we are free of that leech."

"Ori, I told you before, I got us into this mess, you don't need to stand by my side every time he inspects. Go drink a coffee, or better yet shop for our necessities."

"You know I will always stand by your side. Even if I hate that man. Anyway, I will go and make sense out of these new measurements and work on my thesis. Call me if anything happens, you know where to find me." Yue just chuckled at that and watched her twin enter the only bedroom they had.

To be continued...


Well here we are. If you are reading this I have to say.


This is my first novel and I hope you liked it. I welcome any votes and comments you throw my way. I am already drafting how Bia's story takes off from here, but you can be sure Zar and Damon will shadow her every step of the way.

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