30 - One Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Floor

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The fauns separated the group, leading each to their own rooms. The twins opted to stay together. Rhistel couldn't help the nagging feeling of loneliness that had gripped her soul in the past few days. The amount of near-death experiences occurring shook her to her core. Almost every night Rhistel found herself waking every hour. Checking that Alanis was still breathing was the only thing that calmed her racing heart. She'd sit beside her, watching Alanis take shallow breaths as she slept. More than once, Rhistel fell asleep sitting beside her twin.

An faint odor of dirt filled the room.The mountain's sandy rocks peeked through the tangled roots which formed the walls.

Alanis elbowed her sister. "Get yer head out the clouds and help me settle into this room."

"Shut yer gob. When we get back, am going tae tell Ma that ye hit me all the time," Rhistel retorted.

"Ye wouldna dare, wee baby." Alanis' eyes closed to slits.

A low cackle shook Rhistel's chest. "Watch me." She riffled through her rucksack for a change of clothes.

"Pure fandan."

"Dinnae flap. Might catch a fly in yer massive gob."

Soft knocks interrupted their childish fight. "Am faod mi a-steach?"

"Mo charaid tha thu saor airson a dhèanamh mar as toil leat (My friend you are free to do as you please)," replied Alanis.

Europa gave her a warm smile as she entered, placing the sheets she carried on the bench. "We keep these on hand in case travellers such as yourself stay. Not many find us so far into the mountains." She started to make the beds.

"How'd ye do tha' light trick?" Rhistel pulled the other side of the sheet and tucked it under the straw mattress corners. "A've never seen anythin' like tha' before."

"Our music." Patting the flute on her belt, Europa threw a pillowcase towards either elf. "Our ancestors learnt magic could be created with sound and not only incantations. Your fairy friend knows, she broke our song with her music words."

"A dinnae cain she knew how tae do tha'." Rhistel didn't know how much more proud of Twig she could feel.

A young faun ran into the room, tugging at Europa's fur when he noticed the twins. He blushed and scooted behind her legs. Toying with the short twists in his hair, the child eyed the elves warily. "This is my son, Mer." Europa tried to pry her offspring's fingers off her. He clung tighter.

"Tha iad grànda. (They're ugly)." Mer stuck his tongue out. This remark earned him a light swat on the head. He bleated.

Rhistel huffed. "Inntinn do èildearan. (Mind your elders)"

"Boireannach grànda, na laighe rium. Chan eil thu nad èildear. Càit a bheil do wrinkles?(ugly woman, don't lie to me. You aren't an elder. Where are your wrinkles?"

"Dinner can be found in the square at sundown. Bring your dancing hooves." Europa dragged her son towards the exit.

Alanis spoke, "Where might we bath? There a smell comin' from Rhistel that would scare a skunk away."

"Ye donnae smell like roses yerself." Cheeks heating up, Rhistel pinched her nose.

"There's a fountain at the top. I'll have someone show you the way. If you need more assistance only ask." As they walked away, the twins heard Europa giving her son a tongue lashing in.

"She reminds me of Ma," Alanis mused.

Rhistel muttered, "Ma would have us over her knee in two seconds fla' fer talkin' like tha' tae someone."

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