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Chapters 15-17 got deleted somehow so I've re-written them. These are completely NEW chapters so if you're a re-reader, do read cause I've added some new details that might not have been in the older version. 

Harry's POV 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I paced back and forth in my bedroom. The bruises on Bridgette's arm were concerning me. 

Although she wasn't of much importance to me, it did bother me that she was suddenly very shy and wanting to hide the source of her injuries to me. 

A knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts as I paced towards the door and swung it open to reveal Eliana standing there with a smile. I smiled back and let her in.

"What's troubling you?" she asked. 

I rose an eyebrow, "pardon?"

"You look troubled," she said, sitting down on my bed and clasping her hands, "distracted, even."

"Oh," I mumbled, "it's nothing. Just thinking about something my father told me."

"You talked to him then?" she asked. I nodded, sitting down beside her. 

"What did he say?" 

I looked at her expectant face and chuckled, running a hand through my hair before I turned to her.

"He thinks I'm becoming soft, as he told you," I replied, "and it's just made me think about what type of person he really might be."

She quirked her eyebrow, "that discussion caused you to second guess everything you knew about your father...just like that?"

I sighed, "no not just that...I was walking back to come here, and I saw Bridgette in the hallway."

She nodded, "oh."

I nudged her, "wait for me to finish."

She nodded.

"She had a bruise on her arm, I thought it small, but it looked to be the size of a lemon so it was quite large. But she had them all throughout her arm."

She tilted her head, "maybe she's got a condition?"

"Even so, it worries me. She seemed different. Meaning usually, she's very confident, as you know. And outspoken, but when I saw her today she seemed to be very scared. Uncertain, even," I explained, "and when she saw my father, she was struck with fear."

She looked at me questioningly, "you don't think your father did something by chance, do you? Do you think he found out about your affair?"

I shook my head, "that can't be it. If that was the case, he'd have to have done this to every other maiden I've-..." I looked at her, and winced, "you know."

Eliana pursed her lips and snickered, "you're wild."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, moving to stand in front of her, "I want to speak to her. Do you think she'll be honest with us?"

She shrugged, "she might be with you, but I don't think she will if I'm around. She's not necessarily my biggest follower."

I looked away from her eyes and nodded as I stared into space, thinking about a possible way I could get Bridgette to open up to me. 

"I shouldn't just be up front with her about this should I? I need to get her to tell me on her own."

She nodded.

"You should summon her to your chambers like usual," she said, "talk to her, and slowly get her to trust you." 

I nodded. She nodded as well and stood up, walking over to grasp one of my hands in both of hers and squeeze lightly. She gave me an encouraging smile and stepped back, making her way to the secret door that we both had in our rooms, that connected to each other. She opened it and was about to walk through before she paused and looked at me.

"Tell me what she says," she spoke, "I'd like to know what kind of a man your father might be as well."

I nodded and she walked through the secret door and closed it behind her. 


I took in a deep breath before approaching Bridgette in the hallway. She was cleaning the glass windows and looked to be a little more thin than usual too. I didn't notice this before. Or if I did, I hadn't paid much mind to it.

"Bridgette," I called softly, trying not to startle her. She turned her head to me and her features hardened before she stopped what she was doing and bowed quickly. She clasped her hands in front of her body and looked down at her feet, slouching her shoulders slightly. I frowned at her unusually submissive nature and walked up to her. 

"Can you look up at me, please?" I asked. She slowly turned her eyes up towards me and looked up at me. Her blue eyes looked weaker, and tired.

"I'd like to speak to you today," I said, "would you be able to stop by my chambers?"

She nodded slowly, "if I may ask, what is this about?"

"We'll talk about that later, hm?" I said, "I'd rather not mention it here, where anybody could be listening."

She frowned slightly and nodded, "yes, your majesty."

Her change in personality almost made me want to gag at how different it was. I truly found this to be incredibly disturbing. 

"Also," I said, before walking away, "do not be afraid of me. I'm not my father."

She widened her eyes and parted her lips.

"How did you know your father-"

"I have a feeling," I spoke, "but you can trust me. Okay?"

She nodded slowly, causing me to nod before I dismissed her and walked off in my own direction. I turned the corner of the corridor and stopped in my tracks.

My father was standing at the end of the hallway, in deep conversation with one of the servants. I recognized him as Philip from the stables. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as father placed a hand on Philip's shoulder and said something to which the poor boy nodded quickly, whilst keeping his gaze glued to the ground. Father patted his shoulder, causing Philip to wince, and he bowed before scurrying off. My father watched Philip move away before he glanced around him and walked into his study. 

I frowned.

"What on earth is he up to?" I mumbled softly.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Let me know what you think! 


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