Oh My Sweet, Innocent Boy

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Keith had thought Lance's normal voice was beautiful. But this, the way that sound reverberated through the air, it was like magic. Smoother than silk. Sweeter than honey. 

It was a song Keith had never heard before, though that didn't surprise him. Keith knew very little 'normal' songs. 

He looked at the hunter with wide eyes when he started, but they had closed halfway by the last word, as if Lance was singing him slowly to sleep. A gentle smile curved his lips, and he'd never felt more in love than at that exact moment. And the Prince knew he wanted Lance to sing to him every day for the rest of their lives. 

Keith couldn't speak for a few moments after, his voice obstructed by emotion and gratefulness. Lance had sung for him. For him! And then he grasped Lance's hand tighter and his smile widened. 

"You have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. It's.. My god, Lance." It was difficult, way too difficult to find the right words for what he'd just witnessed. The feeling in his stomach and chest was something indescribable. Magic. That's what Lance made him feel. He swallowed deeply and just nodded happily, feeling tears in his eyes. 

"You are amazing, my love. In every aspect. Thank you." Keith was scared to mess this up, to say the wrong thing. But his fear was slowly, steadily being replaced this all consuming love.

At first the prince's silence started to worry him, making him wonder if he should've kept quiet and question himself in more than one way. But Keith's expression and touch told him otherwise, and as he spoke not only he felt his tension wash away from his shoulders but his heart flutter with dozens of butterflies, his smile widening along. 

He hadn't particulary sang in seek of praising but to share with Keith his sentiment of joy, so recieving such comments regarding his singing skills got Lance very, very flustered. Then, Keith called him a new nickname, one he'd unconciously longed to recieve but also tried to avoid. He used the word love. Love. 

Did he mean it that way or used it as any other affectionate nickname? It felt pretty unlikely for someone to have that feeling for him. The biggest and strongest feeling of all. Too big for him, who'd so badly sought love in countless of people and places. But he never found it. Could he.. Could he actually find it in Keith?

He pushed his doubts to the back of his mind. Now was not the time, not when Keith was smiling to him that way. 

"You don't have to thank me... I just," he sighed slowly. "It's a song... My mother sang to me when I was little. I was afraid of thunder, you know?" He chuckled to himself. "So she'd always come and sing me to sleep. I don't know why... But a part of me wanted to share it with you." He looked at him with a warm smile, focusing on the warmth of their hands together. 

"Thank you, by the way. I... I like that." He averted his gaze, rubbing his neck with his free hand afterwards. "The nickname..."

Keith didn't understand at first. What nickname? What.. And then his eyes widened. He'd called Lance something, something unexpected, when he hadn't meant to. Well, maybe he'd meant to, but he hadn't done it on purpose. He'd called him my love. Shit. 

He shouldn't have said that. It wasn't time yet to speak of Love. But.. Lance liked it. That realisation sent a warm glow through his body. Lance liked being his love. Because he did love Lance, he loved him more than anything he'd loved before. But he should probably calm it down a little. Don't scare him away now, idiot. 

"Oh," he said lamely. "Okay. Good. I like it too. I.. What.." He bit his lip. "Is there anything else you don't mind me calling you? Don't get me wrong, I love your name. Lance." A smile broke over his face. 

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