Thirty Six || Misinterpretation

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Misinterpretation Havenland - RF Mall | Year 2190

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Havenland - RF Mall | Year 2190

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"What? Why would I do that?" he furrowed his eyes brows shocked.

"It's a yes or a no," I muttered and pulled my hand away from his.

"It's an obvious no, you should know that," he frowned sadly.

"I don't even know if you found someone else when I was in a coma," I cried softly into my hands.

"Didn't the people around you tell you that I had cried and barely got sleep?" he started, "what about that? Why are you saying this stuff now?"

"But what about those times when you were free and could do what you want," I yelled at him.

He stepped back when I raised my voice. The people in the restaurant had their attention on us even my two favorite guards. They both came walking to us and noticed what was wrong.

"Your highness, I think we should give her some space for a little bit," Jaemin told Jimin and grabbed his arm dragging him away from me.

I quietly cried in my seat and realized how big of a fool I am to think my fiancé would ever do those stuff. I'm thinking negatively again because I'm letting peoples gossip get to my head. Again and again. This always happens to me and it always ends up being my fault. Everything is my fault.

I get up from my seat and walk to the table they brought Jimin and was just about to apologize when he seemed pissed off.

"Why can't she understand that I wouldn't leave her for anyone else? Maybe I should've gone with Hyerin," he mumbled with annoyance.

My eyes widen and I stop. My heart drops at his choice of words. Why?

"J-Jiyeon, wait!" I hear Mingyu yell at me when he realized I was standing there.

I took my heels off and ran out of the restaurant without another word. My dress was killing me this isn't a good thing to run in. I didn't care though. I took the back exit way and ran out of the mall. I got some weird stares from people when I left, but that's now what I cared about at the moment.

The clouds were turning a dark grey and then before I realized it, the rain started pouring. It fell hard. Droplets of water running and hitting my body. I was starting to get soaked up in the water. My hair was drenched and my dress was wet.

I slow my pace and hid behind a wall. I took in deep breaths and slide down the wall. I couldn't keep in my tears. I just let myself cry and let the rain come down on my face. You could barely see if I was crying since the rain made it look like it was just hitting my face.

My phone starts ringing and I check the caller. Dylan. I answer and put the phone close to my ear.

"JiJi? Where are you?! Jimin-"

"Can you come pick me up?" I ask shaking at how cold I started to become.

"I- okay, where are you?"

"Where I fought with Hyerin,"

The line silent and just as I thought he ended the call. I wait in the cold rain shivering. I held my heels close to me along with my now wet phone. I feel myself get tired and then everything went blank. I hear nothing, but my slow heartbeat.

* * *
My eyes flutter open. I shoot straight up not knowing where I was. I immediately look around the room thankfully sighing that I was at home. I look down at my hands seeing them trembling just a bit because of the cold.

The door is pushed open and I snap out of it. I notice that the person that came in the room was my brother thankfully. I smile sadly at him as he held a tray of food.

"You're awake, are you okay now?" he quietly said.

"Yeah, I'm okay now," I answer while nodding my head.

He walks to my bed and places the tray of food on the bedside table and sat close to me. He places a hand on mine and gives my forehead a kiss.

"You know, Jimin didn't mean it," my brother mentioned.

"It hurts though, I feel like he meant it," I insisted.

"Well he's going to come and apologize," he added, "you're going to get married soon Jiyeon. You should start trusting each other more."

"But if he-"

"Stop. Don't think negative or it's going to happen," he pleaded.

I sigh and nod. He never takes no for his advice. I have to use his advice to help me or he'll do some decisions for me.

He feeds even though I told him I was capable to hold stuff and eat. He didn't care though he just helped feed me even if I didn't need it. The food was a hot miso soup. I love the cub tofu because I grew up eating it a lot. My...parents would always feed me this so it became a favorite of mine.

A knock on the door stopped Dylan from feeding me. He puts the spoon down and opens the door for the person to come in.

My fiancé. Jimin. The father to my children.

"I'm sorry, I just...I ruined the whole day because of that," he quickly apologizes before bowing as if I was a higher rank than him.

I open my mouth, but nothing came out. What was I supposed to say? I'm sorry as well? I was going to go apologies to him, but I don't think I should anymore. After all, I felt so hurt by his words. I'll just do it anyways. I need to stop being a baby.


He stood straight up confused from my command.

"Jimin, I'm sorry too," I sadly fiddled with my hands.

"No! It's my fault, I'm sorry baby," he runs up to me and huge me.

I wrap my arms around his body and feel my eyes spill out tears. I had my face in the chest as he held me in his arms. We held that position for a good five seconds before he lets me go and pecks my lips.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife,"

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(Next chapter they go to court and then yeah. Sorry for such short chapter I'm saving the best for the last chapters)
Edited -not thoroughly

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