13 || Spilt Beans

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Cruising everywhere
Just to get in your nightmares


I was rudely awakened by the sound of pounding feet and my door being thrown open. Through half-lidded eyes I found my twin sister standing in my doorway not looking too happy. I groaned into my warm sheets, turning my back to her lazily. 

"Go away Bells. It's too damn early for me to be bothered with your period." My cozy protection was ripped from my body letting the bitter cold of the morning bite mercilessly at my bare feet. I shuddered, grumpily facing her.

"What the hell Bella?"

 "How long did you know?" She demanded. Her body language tense. 


"How long have you known the Cullens were vampires? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister!"

 A long, exasperated breath left my lips. Everything came together after those words. "So you finally know." 

She moved aside to let me start getting out of bed. I reckoned school was going to start soon. After the blissful weekend making up with Jasper, my body was still in vacation mode. The man did not hold back in trying to buy his way back into my favor. Cuddles, a beautiful date at a lake, long talks - I mean, he was really pulling all the stunts. We eventually came to an understanding about me passing into shapeshifter territory. 

Apparently the Cullens and the Natives of this land stroke a deal centuries back before Forks was densely inhabited. That river was the border. And per the treaty, the Cullens could not cross into their lands and vice versa.

Jasper and I struggled to come to an agreement. I was allowed to go into the territory if I promised to spend an hour there at maximum, and he would have to be notified when I did so he could come to get me. If I was any longer than that he swore that he would damn the treaty.

 I didn't want some super beast war starting just because my stubborn ass wanted to draw a couple of nature shots. We've also agreed that Jasper would explain things properly rather than demanding me to change like I was some pet. If we were going to be together than we needed to understand that we are equals first and foremost.

"How'd you confirm it? Edward?" I sniffed a random shirt sitting on my desk chair. It didn't smell bad so I threw it on with a plaid coat.

Bella trailed behind. "I put the pieces together."

I stopped trying to suck my stomach so these godforsaken jeans would slip on properly to look at my sister a bit disbelieving. She gave me a flat look. "What? Don't believe me?"

"To be completely honest, no. You're a lot more thick minded than you think Bells." She continued to follow me until I slammed the bathroom door in her face.

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