Chapter Five

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Waking up I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom cutting on the water as I used the bathroom. Flushing the toilet I wash my hands before taking my clothes off and stepping inside.

|15 minutes later|

After getting dressed I walk out of the room making my way towards jewels room. I didn't hear Aj up crying for me like he usually be so he must still be sleep.

Knocking on the door I wait for a reply but don't get one.

"Jewels stop man open the door so I can get my son". I said mugging the door

when I didn't get answer I push the door open and the bed was empty and so were the drawers that were open.

"Where the fuck she go with him". I ask to no one in particular as I walked back to my room to get my phone

Moving the covers around I see a piece of paper on my pillow so I pick it up reading over it before crumbling it up.

"She got to be fucking kidding me". I said dialing Asad's number and it rung a few times before he answered

"Bitch It's 7:00 in the morning what could you possibly want". He asked yawning

"Fuck all that did you see jewels leave last night". I ask walking back into my room throwing on a shirt

"Uh Nah man I didn't see her leave she was still there when I left". He said as I heard shuffling in the background

"Find her I'm about to go beat this bitch ass". I said grabbing my keys

"Man crystal gone take yo ass to court dog chill out". He said as I got into the car starting it up

"I don't give a fuck about all that I want my daughter and she being childish as hell keeping me from her". I said heading off towards her house

"Take Kat over there with you, you know she been waiting to beat crystal ass for a while". He said talking about my older cousin

"That's a bet I'm texting her as we speak". I said drove

"Yea she definitely sending that ass court". He said laughing causing me to laugh

"I don't give a fuck". I said shaking my head thinking about it

"If you get uncle baby back call me". He said and I nod as if he could see me

"Aight I got you bro". I said hanging up and tossing my phone in the passenger seat

After driving for a while I finally pulled up to crystals house and Kat was already there standing on the porch waiting. Getting out of the car I smile and walk over to her hugging her.

"Wassup big Cuzzo how you been". I ask pulling away from the hug

"Good taking care of my mom but we'll talk more about that later make this bitch open the door". She said and I nodded banging on the door

"What the fuck you banging on my door for". She said opening the door and Kat started going to work as I walked in looking for Chanel

After walking around for a minute I noticed Chanel wasn't here so I pull out my phone calling crystals mom.

"Hey baby how you doing". She asked as she answered the phone

"I'm good do you have Chanel with you". I ask walking back into the living room

"Yea honey she's sleeping right now". She said as I gesture for Kat to come on and leave

"Alright I'll be right over to get her thank you". I said hanging up the phone

"Thanks Kat". I said getting into my car and driving off

|20 minutes later|

Finally making it to crystals mom house I get out and knocked on the door.

"Hey baby here's her things". She said hanging me Chanel and her bag

"Thanks". I said carrying Chanel to the car buckling her up

"Where brother". She asked looking around the car

"I don't know mamas I got to find him". I said and she looked like she was about to cry

"Babygirl don't cry I'm going to get him back". I said and she nodded looking over at the car seat he used to sit in

Man I need to find jewels...


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