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     I began my day by doing a normal routine. Today is Monday, I think Minho went to school already. For me my tutor will be coming. I'm not sure what his name is though. Hmm..so hard to remember. I think his name is Chris?

I stopped trying to think of his name for a moment and gathered some of the objects Mr.Lee gave me for the tutoring. Notebooks for each subjects, pencil, erasers, highlighter and pen.

As I was walking down the stairs I smelt something heavenly. I thought they didn't cook? As I reached the kitchen I saw a women. I took a seat and waited until she noticed my presence.

"Oh good morning, my name is Jihyo," she introduces herself. I greet her and introduced myself. She told me that she was a family friend that would sometimes come over to cook for them as the Lee's don't cook well. I told her a bit about myself and how I ended up here.

"Oh, right your the boy, Mr.Lee told em about you, I'm the only one in the house right now..I'm here until your tutor comes." She sets a delicious plate of fried rice, spam, broccoli, and some kimchi. I'm pretty sure I'm drooling. I complimented on how her dish looked amazing and how it tasted delicious.

As we were talking, the doorbell rang. Jihyo stood up and went to the door. I finished my food and washed my dishes joining her in the living room. Where I was introduced to my tutor.

"Hello! You must be Chris." I smile at him. He smiles back. (😬😀😃😄😁😆🙂smile bitches)

"Actually my really name is, Chan I only refer myself as Chris when my friends and I make songs together." Chan corrected me. I made an 'o' face when I heard that.

"Oh that's so cool, you and your friends make songs!" I complimented. Jihyo tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm going to get going now, I made more food and left it in the refrigerator if you get hungry just get some okay?" She says leaving the house. I wave her good-bye and turned back to Chan.

"Thank you for agreeing to be my tutor!" I say.

"No problem, should we get started?" He asks. I nod. "Where will we be studying at, in here, kitchen, or your room?" He asks.

"Ehrmm, not sure?" I say. "Aha, let's just stay in here then." He sets his things down and so do I. He starts teaching me the basics of all the subjects. After awfulness of studying we decided to have a snack break.

    I heated up the food and served it to Chan. He thanked me and we sat on the floor watching tv. He taught me how to operate it and all. He showed me Netflix, YouTube, the News and all.

    We were exposed to so many bad things in my old neighbourhood but I've never seen this before. Just then Chan snickered. I looked at him all confused.

     "What is it?"  I ask. He just kept laughing. "You have something on your face." He laughed. I tried to wipe it off but he kept laughing. My guess I made it worse. I started to laugh with him.

     "Here, I'll wipe it for you," he leans over to me really close. A little too close for my liking. My cheeks felt hot. He kept trying to wipe it off but the was a lot since I made it worse.

     "Omg ahahaha you look like a clown!" He laughed so hard we leaned too far falling over me. Taking me down with him. By the time I opened my eyes. Minho came home from school. With the sight of Chan on top of me.


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