A Child pt2

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This is an alternative ending where you leave with your child instead of staying with the Seeds. I'm starting up around the part where the Seeds ask if they can help raise the kid with you. I recommend reading the first part, but you don't have to.

Thank you cherrymotels for the idea, sorry it took so long!

Joseph Seed

You just stood there for a moment. You took in the question, if he could be your child's father. He was their father, but he left, and so much had changed. You honestly just didn't want him back into your life. "Joseph, I don't think it would work out. It was so long ago that you left. I've moved on Joseph, I'm sorry." You could see the pain in his eyes, "I understand. I'm sorry for bothering you." He made a quick exit, hurt by what was said, but still somehow understanding.

Jacob Seed

You sat still in Jacobs office, holding your child tighter. You knew what Jacob did, and didn't want your kid anywhere near him. "Jacob, I can't stay here, especially with them. I don't want them around this." You said with as much confidence as you could muster. He stared off for a moment, taking in what you had told him. He understood what you meant, you didn't want your child around him. After a moment, he just nodded. "That's fine. I-... I'll have one of my men take you back home." He looked disheartened. You felt a bit bad, but you knew it would be best to keep your child away from the cult and Jacob.

John Seed

John stared almost expecting of you. As if he was awaiting you to just jump back into his arms. You looked down and shook your head, "John, I can't. You left me pregnant and alone. I can't-.. I won't just go back with you." He looked over at your child, seeing his own bright blue eyes. He was angry that you were rejecting him, "You know what, (Y/n)? That's fine. I didn't want a part in your damn life anyway..." He regretted it almost immediately, but he didn't dare say anything else. He knew you were right. He left you out of nowhere, and didn't leave as much of a note behind.

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