Chapter 12: Cheap Thrills

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James POV

Yesterday was annoying and terrible as hell!

And it was all because of that nasty new girl. No one had ever spoken to me the way she did and she was different from all the other girls I've met. She might be kinda cute... wait a min did i say cute?.....but her glare still gives me the shivers.Brrrrrrr.

"Hey James!"

I close my locker to see Dylan walking up to me. 

"Hey bro, what's up?"I reply,exchanging the signature bro handshake with him.

"The usual. I heard that you got into detention with the new girl yesterday."

"She's not that new you know. She's been here for over 2 months now!" Logan cuts in, joining the conversation as usual.

"Well hello and good morning to you too Logan.And please don't talk about the detention again." I say referring to Dylan.

"What happened? Anything we should know?" he says wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Eeeew! Back off man." I snapped angrily at him.

"What's all the fuss about?" asked Austin as he joins us on our walk to class.Although he's the most quiet one in the group,he can be quite inquisitive.

"You didn't know? How could you not know?"Logan asks him wide eyed. "James had detention with the new girl yesterday."Dylan says.

"I repeat! she's not new."Logan says for the only god knows how many times he's been saying it.

"Logan,could you keep quiet? thank you." Austin was the only one who could get Logan to shut up successfully. Getting  back to the point ,he asks "Do you mean Ruwaydah? I know because I was in the class when Mrs Salsey gave them both the detention slips.What did you do to make her that mad dude?"he says directing the question to me..........Of course!.

"Nothing in particular."I mumble,awkwardly scratching the back of my neck knowing that I sounded stupid because they all gave me 'that look'.

"You know we're not done with you ..yet. You can't escape this time."Dylan tells me as we're about to enter class while the other guys were nodding in agreement.

Kill me now!

During lunch time, I find myself looking in the direction of a certain girl I call scarfhead and her friend as they were eating.

"James honey, you haven't touched your food yet.Are you all right?"said the sickly annoying voice of the girl I despise the most,Sophia Saxet, as she started caressing my face with her claws.

"Don't worry about me and leave me alone."I tell her coldly while removing her claws from my face and back to her lap where it rightfully belonged.

"How can I not worry James honey,you know....."

"Leave me the hell alone!!" I shout rather viciously while attracting some attention from the people at the nearby tables.

At hearing my outburst,she recoils and looks down and I suddenly remember that  her brother is my friend and he and the other guys were around. An evil plan flows from beyond the abyss of my clever brain. Hmmmm........this would be fun! I chuckle to myself mischievously. 

I know it's short right? and I'm so sorry for the short chapter believe me there's still more to type  but my eyelids are drooping down and i'm also using a laptop and it's not  easy cause i keep on typing rubbish so bear with me


+I'm thinking of sharing the cast of THWE  with you guys in the next update but I have to see at least 15 likes and 7 votes on this chapter before I'll have enough willpower to update it.

+I'm thinking of sharing the cast of THWE  with you guys in the next update but I have to see at least 15 likes and 7 votes on this chapter before I'll have enough willpower to update it

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Teaser: James f*cked up

I wish you all a joyful Eid[even if you don't celebrate it]



Her  Antagonist (Formerly: The Hijabi's Worst Enemy) [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now