Part 8: Turned

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(Tina's POV)

Today me and luke decided to hang out in the garden area. Luke even brought food for me to eat. I like him. He's nice. I would love to be his girlfriend...wait am falling in love with him a demon!?

"Thanks for the food Luke"I smiled

" you're welcome"

"But how is you get that?"

" from the kitchen"

"But I thought demons don't eat human food"

"We do, it's just that it doesn't satisfy us a much a blood does, it's kind of like junk food to us, and since you and your mother are human my parents supplied the kitchen with food"

"Well that explains why the cupboards were mostly filled with chocolates"

" yeah Jessica likes to sneak into them and the next thing I knew she flying all over the place! "

We both laughed.

"I like you"I smiled

He blushed furiously.

"How do love wings make people fall in love?"

" We bring positive energy to people, it's just us"

"Oh I see, so I'm in love right now"

"I don't know, are you Tina?"

I have him a peck on the lips and his eyes widen with shock.

"Like it?"

" Yeah"he smiled"I do"

"Luke, I need to talk to you for sec!"

Catherine was standing near the entrance with her arms crossed.

"Coming dad!" He shouted"I'll be right back"

(Third person POV)

Luke flew other to his father. She lead him com the ball so they could talk alone.

"So luke, I see you like Tina I see"

"Well she's nice" he smiled"I'm glad she's my friend "

"Then why did she kiss you?"

" maybe she loves me too"

"Interesting, Same for me, your mom and Her mother, You know there is a way for you two to be together"

" ....Wait you want me to turn her!? "

She nodded.

"But...but...I can't do that dad, what if she likes what she is?"

" Tsk Tsk Tsk, my dear son, You are the heir to the throne.. "

She walking around him, toying with his  hair.

Demon land (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang