I'll be back soon.☺️Sorry Now.

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Hey guys... Long time no see par.

I'd like to apologize for not updating this translation since last two months.

Honeslty, I am not really fine to read and write any letters currently.

The reason was I couldn't focus on everything for many hours.

So... when my parents showed me to the doctor... he said.." Your nervous system is being worse. So, you must avoid using phone and computer often to often.

That's why I stopped all things that I have to give full attention except studying.

Currently...I'm just preparing to update Unicode and Zawgyi for my readers so that you all can read well.

I hope you'll miss my fictions.


Thanks a lot for loving my fictions to each lovely reader.

Btw... thank you soo muchh to my some... special readers who motived me by writing some motivtional words under my psycho statuses. 🙏💛

I'll probably update new episodes in November or in December. ❤️

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