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All three of them woke up the next morning at the sound of Shota's alarm. It was the day of the school festival, and Eri was probably more excited about it than another other student or attendee. Deku had told her that he would be a part of class 1-A's routine and she was looking forward to seeing him and the other students dance.

As soon as Sumire became conscious, she pulled her hand from the man's where it had been entwined all night. When her hand was gone, he immediately missed it, though he still felt the phantom sensation between his fingers.

Eri woke up bright-eyed with a childish energy that forced the adults out of their grogginess. "We get to see Deku and everyone dance today!" She cheered, her red orbs sparkling enthusiastically.

The silver-haired woman smiled at her, but the signs of tiredness were around her eyes as she groaned longingly, "coffee..."

"I agree." Shota agreed, getting up to make exactly what they both wanted and needed.

"Let's get you a bath started, Eri." Sumire hummed in a sleepy voice, but also got up and went to her bathroom and started running the water. Eri followed her with a clumsy walk.

Once she got the girl situated with everything she needed in the bath, she returned to the kitchen to get the coffee that Shota was making.

"If you wanna go shower I can make sure Eri's dressed, fed, and ready to go." She suggested.

"Or you can go use my shower because I'm sure you'll take longer than I will." He proposed thoughtfully.

She raised a brow and looked at the man with a hint of bitterness. "First of all, who do you think you are assuming I take long showers? Secondly, I don't need to wash my hair, so it will be fine."

"Geez, I was just trying to be considerate." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Ask before you assume."

Having become significantly more relaxed and comfortable around her - while at the same time she managed to make his heart race more than anyone or anything - he nearly snapped back with a suggestive and inappropriate comment for their current relationship. Instead, he caught himself and his impure thought process and merely responded, "fine."

By the time that an hour passed, they were ready for the festival. Shota had returned to Sumire's apartment and they held onto either of Eri's small hands and guided her through the halls and down the stairs.

But just before they went down the central stairwell, a familiar petite, dark-skinned and dark-haired girl with large bat ears coming from her head met them at the top.

"Hibiki?" Sumire's voice was high-pitched with shock.

"Hey there, Sumi!" The said woman beamed cheekily, then took note of the gloomy-looking hero and child beside her. "Did you get married and adopt a child without me knowing?!" She gasped dramatically.

"What? No!" The silver-haired woman shook her head and furrowed her brows in a confused expression, then gestured to the girl grasping onto her hand. "This is Eri. We rescued her from a yakuza gang and now Shota is looking after her for the time being. Eri, this my friend, Hibiki."

"Ms. Hibiki..." Eri tested the name on her tongue.

"Nice to meet you, Eri." Hibiki nodded, then focused on her friend and the man beside her again. "But that doesn't explain why you two are together."

"Eh? We're neighbors." Sumire dismissed her very intentional and pointed questioning. "But why the heck are you here?!" She fixated back on the small-statured woman.

G H O S T [Shota Aizawa x OC]Where stories live. Discover now