100 ∞ the sisters

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Day Twenty ∞ Wednesday, after midnight

THEY SANK DOWN on the couch, and Danny wrapped his arm around Mickmi as she rested her head on his shoulder and interlaced her fingers with his. He found himself sensing the ever-so-soft breeze on his face and beyond, and the barely audible sound of water rippling against the rocks around the rotunda.

This peaceful, magical place was strangely devoid of other night sounds. As the thought crossed his mind, a chorus of distant chirping interrupted the silence, and he felt Mickmi's smile radiate through him.

Any thing else missing?

Danny chuckled. —Yeah... Nightbirds.

An unfamiliar owl landed on the picket fence and tilted its head almost 90 degrees, regarding them with its large, round orange eyes. Then it blinked slowly and launched into the air with a deep hoot.

He'd never felt so serene. —This place... It's so amazing. That you would share this with me.

She lifted his hand to softly press it against her lips.

After what felt like too short a time, a shimmering column of light at the entrance of the rotunda attracted their attention.

"She comes," Mickmi whispered. She sighed and pushed her bangs back for her royal circlet to decorate her forehead and ears again. Danny rose with her as she turned to face the visitor.

A silhouette took form, then L'or Aug materialized with a focused expression on her face. She was dressed in a black uniform, similar to Mickmi's on the day Danny found her, but the open jacket was sky-blue. She swept her gaze around before landing it on Mickmi, and her mouth opened. For several moments she stared at her, and Danny realized with newfound knowledge that she was 'reading' Mickmi.

L'or Aug threw a glance in his direction before dropping to one knee, lowering her head and spreading her arms with her palms open. "My Queen. This humble retainer is present at your summon. Command me, I am yours."

"Your presence is appreciated, L'or Aug. Welcome. It is time you lay aside your trespasses and claim your position as the Queen's Second and Advisor."

L'or Aug kept her eyes downcast. "My Queen, forgive my ignorance but... may I have word of when—how the ceremony took place?"

"Four nights ago, Blanc Aave, as last appointed representative of Queen Leyonara, officiated a very small, private ceremony with two witnesses, anointing me as the successor and as the Seventh Queen of the United Lands. Tell me now, wish you to contest her decision?"

L'or Aug looked up with a mournful smile. "I am not even worthy to be in your presence, my Queen, let alone contest the decision of our Preceptor. I have fallen too low to be even remotely a candidate for any position of command. I request the harsher punishment be imposed on me."

"Sorry, L'or Aug—we need you." Mickmi smiled sadly. "There have been disturbing developments. We have brought danger to this planet and we need your skills as the pilot of your vessel." She stepped forward and took her by the arms, directing her to her feet. "But first, I want to introduce Daniel, my soulmate. Daniel... this is my dear sister, L'or Leypa Aug."

Danny approached and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

L'or Aug took his hand hesitantly. "I remember you from the bank. Please... forgive me for trying to mind-force you."

"Yeah, well, no worries, L'or Aug." He vaguely remembered his head feeling weird that day. "It's all forgotten."

He studied her. Her eyes glinted strangely golden in the moonlight. Artemae looked more like Mickmi's sibling than she did. Were they really sisters?

Shadow Of The Past Trilogy ∞ THE DISPLACEDWhere stories live. Discover now