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        It was late one winter evening....

" I can't believe my baby girl is 1 already. I remember when I just gave birth to her. Oh my goodness were getting old!" she said.

" Babe no we are not getting old. My baby girl is gonna be an athlete like her daddy." he said.

" Umm... no. She's gonna be a singer like her mommy, and her uncle."  she said.

They carried on with their conversation, until....


" Breaking News!! There has been a terrible head on collison here, and it seems as if it is no accident. A big truck had purposly switch into the opposite lane crashing into the small BMW consiting of a man and woman, and this seems like no accident that the truck has caused. Currently the car is on fire. We are fimling live from the scence, as we are your local news."

Little did they know, until a man showed up who looked just like the man in the crash. Only he knew of the little 1 year old girl who was silently crying in the back seat of the car. He quickly took her out of the car trying not to burn himself or the baby, and ignoring the ignorate orders of the police and the firefighters. This completely shocked everyone watching the scene.

Once the man had the baby in his arms, she had stopped crying, and smiled, there was a twinkle in her eye and right then and there he knew what he had to do.

I'm Tremaine Aldon Neverson, also known as Trey Songz. And this is the story of how I got my baby girl Tatiana Abigail Neverson.


And scence... Please leave comments, and tell me what you think so far of this story. Should I continue, or forget about this story? Also please vote and share!!


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