Character 1

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Addilyn's P.O.V.

' It's ok. It's just a new school....... in the middle of the year. I'm so screwed ' Addilyn thought as she stepped out of the car saying bye to Happy on her way out. There it is, Midtown High school. The place she dreaded most, on the bright side she has had childhood friend to help her along. ' I'm a Stark. I've got this' she said to herself in her head as she walked up the stairs into the office fo collect her schedule and Student ID. She retrieved what she needed and headed to her locker number which was conveniently located next to her friend Mj's locker. As she was putting her things away she saw Mj.

"Oh my God I'm so happy to see you, I felt so awkward walking alone without anyone and not to mention transferring in the middle of the year" Addilyn exclaimed as she hugged Mj.

"I know girl I'm sorry, but now that you're here I can finally have my co-captain for the math team" Mj replied as she opened her locker to get some things for her classes "What classes you got?"

"Uhh, Chemistry, Bio, Algebra 3, P.E., Language Arts, Spanish and History." Addilyn said as she looked at her new schedule.

"Great we have all our classes together! Yay!" Mj said closing her locker and heading to their first class. "So why did your dad transfer you here?" She asked looking at Addilyn

"Because he wanted me to go to a science school even though he could probably give me a way better education than any school but he's busy with the company so here I am" She replied as they entered the Chemistry room.

They sat down in their seats talking before the bell rang. The teacher came in "Alright class I know it's the middle of the year but we have a new student joining! Would you like to come and introduce yourself?" The teacher looked at Addilyn. She hesitantly stood up and went to the front of the class.

"Um hello, I'm Addilyn, Addilyn Stark." She looked at the class and saw all the shocked faces in the class. Tony Stark's daughter was actually attending Midtown high. They had all heard the rumors but never believed them until now as she stood in front of them. "And I would really appreciate if you called me Addi" she smiled at them and returned to her seat. "Oh my God that was so hard" she whispered to Mj as she sat back down.

The class continued as usual, Addi standing up in front of the class introducing herself to the classes up until lunch. She followed Mj through the sea of students leading to the lunchroom. They got inside and sat a little ways away from everyone. Occasionally talking within each other but mainly focusing on their books and the tea's in their hands.

After lunch they went to all the rest of their classes. Them both heading to their lockers afterwards.

"Hey Mj who's the new girl?" An unfamiliar voice asked from behind them.

Mj turned around and said "oh hey Ned this is Addi. She's new and I've been keeping her company in our classes. She's also my childhood best friend." She looked at Addi "Addi this is Ned. He's a friend of mine."

Addi looked at him and smiled "Nice to meet you. I'm Addilyn Stark but please call me Addi."

Ned's mouth dropped "You're Addilyn Stark? Daughter of THE Tony Stark? I can't believe your actually here! There were rumors going around but I didn't believe them." Ned exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes I am Tony Stark's daughter but I don't want to be know as my father's daughter. I want to make my own mark on Midtown high." She explains as she closed her locker and walked out with Mj and Ned.

'See it wasn't so bad today. Thing's ought to get even better'

°•How wrong I was•°

A/n: EEP! My first chapter!! I'm sorry if it's super short, I didn't have much time to write! The story will get better as we go along! Thanks for reading!🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤

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